# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 6/15/2010 02:42:00 PM
thought i'd try a new layout on for size today. i can't get he comments to show up like they used to and i'm going to add some more to the right hand side. it certainly needs some tweeks. let me know what you like and don't like in the comments here. i'm totally open to suggestions.
ok, i've been working on putting comment's visible on the front page all day and it doesn't look like its possible. blogger turned it off with the new layouts and unless i go back the the old style it isn't going to happen. it was a happy accident before and now i can't get it back.
i can't get eh youtube channel to work like i want it too. i have a you tube account set up for likeing/favorite videos being shared here on the blog but it doesn't seem to want to show them, only videos from youtube's most popular/ most viewed lists.
i love the new background and the new ease of use, but i think that pales in comparison to the major item of not seeing comments on the front page. i'd like to have a youtube account connected to the blog but if i can't control whats on the feed it's pointless.
The background image is making it sluggish. Not worth it in my opinion. I also like the comments on the page.
i agree with Branci. Lets go back to the old style. Visible comments were a nice feature.