# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 5/14/2010 12:44:00 AM
as by popular demand, branci, this one's for you:
french bread + monteray jack cheese + salt is my new favorite snack. its awesome. and goes great with a night of drinking.
as of early last week i found myself jobless. i lost at politics and spent too much time trying to stop upper management from making bad choices or stopping them from creating problems. i found myself in an awkward position of being better at my new bosses job than he was and i lost.
time to shift it back to neutral and find something else. so far, results are positive. the government has made it convenient to not work, apparently unemployment is a sweet deal now. i can't tell you how many people have told me to take the summer off and just relax. it sounds like fun. i might just do it. sort of.
i want to get back to work. i like work. i like doing the job and accomplishing tasks and goals and projects. i like that. i want to be a useful member of society again. that would be my preference. let me know if you can contact me with anyone who has a job opening. i'm a free agent.
baseball: i love it.
yanks and rays fighting for the east is how the whole year will play out. the sox aren't that bad, just not top three in the AL good. they would have a better chance in the west. the mariners can't hit to save their lives, the angels are down, the A's can pitch as usual but can't do anything else well enough to win a ton of games.
the AL comes down to who wins the east, then who finishes second in the east, plus the division winners. the yanks and rays are going to come out of the east, as winners of the division and wildcard, the play offs will be determined by which of these two teams wins in October. the sox get left out this year. and maybe next too. this off season will be the key to Bostons 2011, and 2012. who gets carl crawford this year will be a major turning point for baseball. i expect the yanks to get him, but who knows. Boston is going to be desperate. plus cliff lee will be a free agent.
the NL is bush league. its' the philly's and everyone else this year. the nats are a nice surprise but they will fall off, and turn back into the nats this year. the padres aren't good, give them a week or two and they are going to look like hte padres again, the giants will win the west and fail in the playoffs cause they can't hit. the mets should win but they won't. too many holes and no leadership. they don't need to start over, just reboot. that's a franchise that can be turned around quickly. the astros are fucked. trade Oswald and Berkman and hope for the best two years from now. Huston is at least 2 years away from good, if not more.
i love comics. i've read 34 comics today, catching up on 2007 and 2008 of xmen comics. it was awesome.it took about 9 hours to make this possible. the internet made this possible. bit torrents are amazing things and allow me access to comics i would never be able to purchase.two Saturdays ago was free comic book day and what kept my interest in the day and got me to spend cash money on new comics was free ones i got on the internet for nothing. i am living proof that free stuff on the internet leads to money in the pocket of major enterprise. if i couldn't download major crossover events, i'd have been out of comics a long time ago. marvel and DC make more money from me because of illegal downloads. i am a consumer who is living proof that the current system of openness works.
i have a few goals for my free time now, unfortunately none of them are improvements to the blog. it should be though. we'll see what happens. the blog deserves it. and we should all be better at the internet by now. the internet isn't just the wave of the future, its the only thing tha will exist in the future. what would you like to see for blog improvements? i'm open to suggestions, i just wish everyone had good ideas.
i've watched enough kitchen nightmares to know when something goings wrongs.
ok, three weeks with out a comment or a post is unacceptable. call me out on that.
ok, who has access to the poll? seriously, ron i need the password
I think I've probably gotten worse at the internet over time. I just can't keep up with all this new crazy shit. Twitter can still suck my balls. New ideas? What more can you do on a blog? I can't really think of much. Our problem is mostly content...and that is our own faults.