# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 2/15/2010 09:26:00 PM
do i really want to stay in CT for my next job? i could go be some kind of rock star in the south, a guru in the west, possibly an international sensation overseas. i'm still relatively young, i think i'm smart, single, no attachments, i'm not tied into a mortgage, kids, or anything yet. what else is out there? i like sports, video games, comics, smoking and drinking, there must be some kind of career doing all those things. how do i get people to pay me to smoke, drink and play civ all day? would that be called a professional? i'd like to keep doing some engineering but i think i'm good at a lot more than just that. whats happened at my job is that the people around me have slowly been replaced , i no longer have people that i can learn from, but people twice my age i now have to teach. who are all my bosses. not going to happen. how's cali this time of year? SD would be nice to settle down in, the green is almost legal and i could go to comicon every year.
maybe i should be living in the woods and learning from the Indians. or saving the whales, or curing cancer. maybe replanting the rain forests, or burning them down. i really start to question what's right and that bothers me.
the HR guy asked me the other day if i was taking any medication. first of all its none of his fucking business, second, i shouldn't have to take medication to make bad decisions seem good. of course, i guess i tend to self medicate so what do i know. anyone out there actually on meds for this stuff? do i need them? i hate the fact that i start questioning myself when things get bad. if i need to step back from the situation and take a look at it, then there is no way the +/- lists look like i'm doing something wrong. what i'm doing wrong is listening to these retards and giving them the time of day. of course maybe i'm just an arrogant prick.
it's funny because we've been thinking about this exact same stuff lately. dominique's looking at med schools, and this is my pipe dream: http://www.golfacademy.edu/
i fell ass backwards into my current job, and while it might not be the worst industry ever there's limited room for advancement right now. but that's true of most stuff now. my thinking is i could work a shitty job for low pay or i could find one i enjoy (or enjoy more) for the same low pay. factoring in possibilities for advancement, development, free time, location, family, etc etc is the difficult part.
as far as other places, san diego's too expensive, and green is basically legal in MA anyway. i know you, and that's much closer to your parents/sister and i think you value easy trips up to see them (i know i do for my own parents). you can get some of the san diego feel in places like phoenix or vegas (though i think vegas real estate is likely pricey as well). phoenix is much cheaper though, and is gorgeous this time of year. plus it'd probably be a long drive instead of flight to comicon.
I don't know about being a rockstar in the south...you would more likely be hunted down and burned at a stake by baptists. Ha ha. No really. Although I'm all the advocate for getting out of Connecticut for a while. I think its healthy (and healing) to switch things up. You're right too- there is nothing tying you down. That is a huge privilege that many do not have. Do different things, meet new people, work a different job. It can be a really good thing. Of course, try to move somewhere somewhat nice.
unfortunately josh is right on just about all points, i'm a northeast guy til death. maybe i should just move over the border to MA, its just a slap on the wrist right? its like a 150$ fine now. but that doesn't help pass a drug test... humm.. thats always been a sticking point with me, what happens if i go to amsterdam, do something legal there, then come back to hte states and fail a drug test two weeks later for doing something that was legal at the time?