# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 2/03/2010 10:53:00 PM
you said April recently, that wasn't far from the truth. in the next two weeks i'll find out if that was really just a drunken rant after a good night of drinking with the VP or it was total BS. i have to admit i'm a little surprised by the responses my resume has already gotten. i have two interviews lined up for next week already and another one possible. i'm having trouble coming up with enough excuses to leave work. there's only so many doctors appointments i can have before someone notices. i had one of the most insulting meetings of my life two days ago and there is no way i'm going to let it go unnoticed. if i get shit canned from this one i'm taking people with me. this is actually a case of me playing the good boy and doing as i'm told and it still working out poorly. i'm not unaware of my past or the fact that this isn't the first time I've pissed off the people above me. this is simply the largest company I've done it in. if i'm going to be a casualty, i won't go down alone. i was surprised by the impression i'd made with the higher ups, i'm having trouble with people at the plant level. in two weeks the board of directors in my company is coming to have their yearly board meeting. they happen to pick my plant this year. the people i'm having trouble with think its a random occurrence that we got picked. the people above me, have told me other wise.
April 4th would mark three years to the day for me at this company. that was always the goal. 3 years. 3 only because that is what HR/recruiters/hiring people like to see. not 2, not 4, but 3 years. i've now made it to the next level where i'm being looked at for 7 to 10 year stints. i'd like to think i';m ready for that but i have no clue. it'd be nice to have a company make/show some kind of commitment for me to agree to 7 years.
J, i could use your opinion here about how much i can legally say on the internet about a company i work for. at what point does this go from a drunken rant to cross the line about company secrets?
PS: I've stopped with the greenery already. i'm serious this time. it sucks. its not so much the not smoking, its the crazy ass dreams i have when i stop for more than a day or two. if i ever end up in a situation where i'm telling you to get off or stay off a bus after walking through a field, please listen. I've had that one too many times to ignore it.
"not unaware" = double negative.
nicely done, B.
haha yeah give me a call and we can talk. i wanna talk to you soon anyway.
i'm not "unaware" is totally legit. j, i'll be calling tomorrow, find me a professional lawyer, i have a good case, and if i don't i'll make one.