# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 1/17/2010 09:43:00 AM
1.) seriously, airport security is the dumbest thing i've ever seen. they delayed my plane out of Barcelona by 2 hours because of the security check point cluster fuck. they took everything out of everybody's bag and turned it on/ played with it. molesting every item like a retard on extasy. now, i carried several pieces of electronics with me: a camera, 2 cell phones, an ipod, my gameboy, a lap top and a power converter with all the cords associated for each. i had to turn on the laptop and the ipod, and he went through some pics on my camera. but the gameboy and both phones didn't need to go on. he also took the caps off all my pens. or at least the ones he actually found, missing half. apparently my shoes smell funny cause those caused a funny look of concern, because after standing in line for 3 hours waiting to be molested was somehow refreshing. not one of the pat downs or searches would have caught any of the items recently associated with terror attacks. plus now they check all your baggage both getting on and getting off the plane. in some cases twice at each end. pointless. on a side note to this, the security at the Spanish train stations wasn't even watching the screen, they were busy talking to other people standing around. hilarious.
2.) the NFL in europe. i know know why your don't watch it over there. the game is mangled for TV. now i had a chance to watch the pat's game last sunday, at the wrong time. it was on later and massively edited. they don't show all the plays, removing any kicking play that didn't involve a return. halftime was only the length of a short commercial break. The commentators acted as if they'd never seen an american football game before. they were obviously soccer guys who just happen to be hanging around the makeshift studio. they would have been far better off just leaving the English guys on.
3.) public transportation, far, far better over there. no problems at all and easy as could be to get around.
4.) Tapas bars. those would never fly here in the states, we're just not honest enough... wait, while looking up how to spell tapas on google, i'm immediately introduced to the fact that there are several around hartford. i'll have to investigate further, i hope they don't carry over the tradition of throwing your trash on the floor. that was kind of gross. the little piles of used napkins everywhere was unsettling.
Sounds like successful trip. I think that security checkpoints are as much of a deterrent as they are for actually catching people.
If you wanna do a Tapas Friday sometime, let me know, ive driven by them in my travels and always wondered what the heck they are...
one of the last times i flew they actually marked my ticket at the gate with a red "X" so i knew they were going to inspect my bag more thoroughly (i had been randomly selected). so i went to one of the airport stores, bought a porn magazine, and got into the line of the inspector who looked like they would be most embarrassed to find it. yeah, she was not a fan.
tapas bars are popular in certain places (i know DC for sure), but it's cool to hear they're in the hartford area as well.