# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 1/05/2010 07:40:00 PM
I've been summoned! time to preform my civic duty and fry someone. or not.
I'm kind of excited for this, i hope i get picked.
I'd like to see a real trial before i find myself as the defendant in one. i don't understand why but the first thing everyone says when i talk about it is some kind of sure fire way to get out of it. i want a sure fire way to get picked! this isn't something i can just sign up and do when ever i want. i got summoned once before when i was in college but got out of it cause i was in a different state and it would have been during finals. I've got to do it in Hartford so i'm guessing its going to be a busy mess. anyone else had to do it there? what can i expect?
i haven't but have wanted to. one of my friends got grand jury duty here last summer and was gone for like 6 weeks. got paid from work plus her 15/day or whatever from court and was out in the early afternoon most days. said it was real interesting too.
yeah i'm far too excited for jury duty. i really do hope i get stuck on one. plus you get paid! sweet.