# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 1/08/2010 08:08:00 PM
i'm pretty sure i've mentioned this charity before but today's topic is the
Child's Play Charity. run by the guys at
Penny Arcade its a pretty bad-ass idea. give videos games and toys to children's hospitals. the penny arcade guys themselves have been the subject of an on
line tv show of sorts chronicling all the cool/crazy stuff they do and have become involved in simply by creating a funny web comic and posting a new one 3 times a week. the episode on child's play can be found
here. i suggest you at least watch it as its kind of heart warming for video game fans. i kind of see these guys as modern day nerd legends for what they are doing.
tim/jesse, the
video game con in Boston I've mentioned is one of their projects that found a massive following once E3 decided to shut it's doors to the public. it was literally one of the only of video game cons and now its spreading to other cities. does Mo have a children's ward at the hospital? and if so does it receive child's play donations? i'm curious if anyone has actually seen this type of stuff at a hospital.