# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 7/16/2009 05:45:00 PM
ever have one of those days where you end up doing a million different things you never thought you'd do? today i found myslef hitting electronics with a hammer to make them work, i punched a bee (pretty funny moment), drove a 18 wheeler around the parking lot, disassembled furniture and a few other random computer things. crazyness, and i was half asleep and cranked on coffee all day after only 5 hours of sleep last night. i guess that's what i like about my job, sometimes its just toally random and being an engineer has nothing to do with what needs to get done.
not a bad day. way to punch the bee in the face.
also, we should play golf again soon. that was fun. and i just looked at my league schedule and due to some weekend plans, prices, and other things i probably wont be playing a tourney for another month or month and a half. so that leaves a bunch of open weekends, let me know when you're interested.