# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 6/18/2009 06:52:00 PM
a speeding ticket. this is only my third ever. the first one was BS and i just paid it. the second one i fought and got it cut in half because ihad a good excuse. this one. he nailed me. i wasn't paying attention and he caught me doing 80 at the bottom of a hill at the end of the month. no way i was getting away with it. i'm just happy the dog he had with him stayed in the car. very happy. i think i'm just going to pay this one. anyone think differently? what's you experience? some of you work in the insurance industry, it this really going ot make my rates go up?
Don't know about your insurance rates. I do know about Beer. My place. Friday. Leave your feelings and pants at home.
{Some Mordheim or Civing may occur.
Not responsible if you leave with more babies than you came with.}
If you challenge you can get it cut in half again.
probably depends on the judge. you might get it cut, but they also might see the others and not, depending on how recent they were.
first one was 11 years ago, second one was 3 years ago
check state laws. here if you have a clean record for 3 yrs moving violations are automatically dismissed. that would make it worthwhile to contest.