# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 6/25/2009 07:28:00 PM
michael jackson, farrah faucet and the kung fu guy. celebrity deaths happen in threes, of this i'm convinced
Speaking of threes.
I heard through the grape vine that you took Brazil with italy and wiped out the American Fleet at Midway.
Does this mean your coming over to hammered Friday? I bet I can out drink, out smoke, out last you again. Mother fucker.
Anywho, its still 1-0 Me, according to Rule #7 (now immortalized in the anals of the internet).
yeah i took midway but left my fighters to die in china. i should have moved itay into africa sooner and just held on a little longer in germany.
i need to read the rules again as well,
yes you won round one but only by a 1/16 of a beer. ROUND TWO IS ON!
ut-oh, billy mays was found dead too, is this the start of another three?!?
i missed ed mcmahon last week too. damn that's five.
if only joe buck could be next! i'd settle for bob costas too.