# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 4/09/2009 11:06:00 PM
over too many beers i had a very sobering conversation with my boss tonight. (oh yeah, i'm drunk now too so everythin youy read shoud be taken witha grain of salt.) basically, i'm not on the "bad" list right now. they like me so i'm going ot be able ot keep my job. as great as that sounds, it may not be worth keeping. but it might be. thats what they want me to think. i've put in two years there (new personel record) and appently i've got one more to go, unless oh course i screw up or be honest or do what's right for the company or do anything beisde suck on the balls of every boss above me for a year.because i be there longer than they are. or not. depends on whose ball i suck on and who gets fired first. its like a dice roll.
the question we always seem to leave each other with is, what do you want out of work? why do you keep showing up everyday? to pay the bills? to keep your job? to impress your boss? to save the world? keep the peace? change the countires enery usage? pay for bikes?
wait i have not eaten sinlge piece of food for 11 hours now. oops.
ahhh crap i'm drunk. of course that's what this blog was founded on. crazy rants that have no place being broadcast to the public. enjoy. i feel as i'm over due for a good one since i so rare ly write like this anymore. this will always be something i regret psting and i know better, but i feel as though i'de be cheating this blog by not doing it. an avenue to ride thrant down was this blog's purpose and it has succeeded.
"thrant" should be a new word. Verb "To engage in the act of ranting". Websters here i come
I propose a new rule:
"Only talk to your boss if he is more drunk then you are"
Its worked so far for me, anyway.
I quit work because I didn't think we were making any difference. 9 people spending $3M/year writing papers that one or two similar folks at other uni's would read - wahoo that's change! Though I liked spending my federal pork money at the food coop and on local beer, I couldn't pretend the work was important enough for the satisfaction of the director. Quitting seemingly wasn't such a hot idea given the current economy, but at least now I get to shop at the coop in the morning when it's not packed.
I don't follow your situation Matt. They want you for another year, but you're not sure about it? Was it a contracted position, or for a particular project?
yeah, i think he was more drunk than i at the time, he was a good 2 beers ahead.
its not a contract position, i'm permanent. i think the part i skipped over in my altered state was that things aren't going well so stuff like raises, 401K's aren't going to be around anytime soon so why would i want to wait until it does come back when i could just get a different job at a place. and one of the things i was getting knocked for is not playing the corporate game. i need to be nicer to my bosses and not make them look bad, right or wrong. i guess they don't like that.
I wouldn't look for another job just for benefits and raises. They pretty much don't exist right now for anybody.
Think karma. One day you'll be the boss and the last thing you want is some punk kid calling you out all the time. No wonder they want your skin. You either have to play the game or be your own boss. There isn't much middle ground.
I have to agree with Ron. I make alot of waves at work, but I always try to show respect to my boss. Have I challenged my boss publicly? Yes. Have I gone overboard before? Yes. But I know where to draw the line. I also know that my boss knows exactly what I am worth to the company. A double edge sword, and we both know it. I'm productive, maybe more than two new people would be. And I make more than what two people start at. I can't fuck up or I'm gone. Doesn't matter how right I've been in the past. As soon as I fuck up, I'm out. And we both know the dollar value of the kind of fuckup I would have to make. So I propose a new rule. If your boss makes an obvious bad decision, object in private once. Failing that, see what kind of popular support you have, and determine who amongst that holds the most sway with your boss's boss. If that is not a viable avenue, and there is no turning the boat around, well, then... you need to make your opinion known, but again only once and do it respectfully. Everybody already knows your boss is a jackass, no reason make it seem more so. Challenge the idea without calling anyone out. But only once. Beating a dead horse annoys people and turns them agianst you. The main point is show respect. Its the most difficult thing to do, sometimes, but necessary. Ron is very right about raises and benefits. Forget it and be glad your getting a check. Don't be a spoiled American. Selling anything right now is an uphill battle, much less trying to get people to pay you on time. That puts alot of cash flow stress on a business. Not matching 401k helps a little. So does reducing benefits, especially if your company has a self funded plan. Claim fluctuations are a real bitch on cash flow for small companies. Unpredictable, except for the fact that stress causes heart attacks. But I digress. Looking over now I see the thing about "thrant", and I agree. I propose a new rule: "Thrant" is a word that means "To engage in the act of ranting".
Remember to polish your boner and eat a herring today so long from Norway, so very long. And I say, drink up and enjoy polishing your boner this far from Norway. Dutch penis elm disease. Herring doctor joke.