# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 4/06/2009 07:08:00 PM
first off, screw Cox communications, the FCC and the YES network. aparently i live in some kind of mystery no yankees void. Cox won't provide the YES network or let national ankees game get through on ESPN or FOX. they play ESPNews instead. They blame the FCC. the FCC won't let you get anywhere near someone with enough brainpower to make a decision let alone achieve an independant thought. the YES network closes at 4:30 during the week. they are the lucky ones.
arcane blackout restrictions are the cause of my anger here. MLB won't change them. the FCC can't do anything right and for some reason i can't get yankee games where i live at any cost. (well, the true cost is direct TV with the MLB package, but i rent, maybe i should change that first, but that requires a stable job, which i don't have right now, cause the economy is in the tank, and no one is buying cars... DAMN IT! fucking snowball).
i'm not going to talk about it here but something amazing happened at work today. not only was a problem caught and accidentily passed on anyway, but it happened again with the same material, at a different plant. twice to the same stuff.
i have cox cable and got the yankees game yesterday. we have the digital cable and it was on one of the mlb channels. i think you would've been upset if you watched it anyways.