# posted by ron @ 3/13/2009 10:46:00 PM
I was just driving to work the other day, stopping to get my D&D coffee when I heard this bang on the side of my car. I mean I saw this dude riding a bike but wtf right? He's like going 2 mph or something. I guess I hit him. I mean I heard the bang, I stopped the car and this dude was staring at me through the window. He rolled around in front of the car and then banged his fist on my hood, left a big fucking dent. WTF dude? Don't touch my car. I'll run your ass over. You are on a fucking bike, like stop and shit when I'm turning to get my coffee.
Fucking pansy bikers
if that were in RI, that guy would already have an attorney
Sounds like a typical bastard...dont be afraid to get out and stop that dude. Technically when he hit your car with his fist he assaulted you and you are legally allowed to beat the shit out of him and call it self-defence. "I was afraid for my life" or some other bullshit you tell the cops. No one fucks with Ron's coffee!
You guys missed the ironic title.
I was the one who got nailed by the car on my bike.
Yeah, I didn't get that until I talked to you tonight.
I knew you wrote it as the other person and you were the cyclist, but also assumed all the comments were written in the same ironic style. Who could think a semi pro cyclist would write about another cyclist like that? Oh yeah, people who drive cars.
upon first read my thought was this is just the perfect definition of irony. i guess its a little too perfect.
you wouldn't have gotten hit if you'd just moved out of his way. stupid bikes.
ifs thats the only time you've been hit consider yourself lucky and move on.
How stupid of me not to just move out of his way...
I'll remember that for next time.
I have actually never been hit by a car, but I've hit one. Totally my fault and I just about t-boned it before flying off my bike and landing near the back of the car. The driver was pretty pissed, but I was like "um, you can't see anything wrong with your car and I'm bleeding so how about we just go our separate ways?"
In case you're wondering how it happened, I had cut onto a sidewalk and was re-entering the road off a tall curb. One of my pedals hit the curb though and directed my bike almost perpendicular to the road. It was raining, so I couldn't turn the bike fast enough to avoid the oncoming car, and I slide right into the driver door. Incidentally, I've hit a pedestrian too, but very lightly and they admitted total fault.