# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 1/08/2009 06:03:00 PM
i'm on my way out the door to go have a few drinks with a co-worker who's leaving town tomarrow. he's the project manager on teh project i'm working on and he's been in our plant for two weeks. before he got there i was kind of upset with theguy for not doing much or accomplishing anything on the project i've been working hard on. the first day he was there, was the day before our first big deadline. he comes to find me (because i'm the only one who's actually lifted a finger on this project) and just starts trying to change processes and starts asking rediculous questions about why some totally stupid thing isn't done yet. i lift up my blackened hands to point out that i'm the only one working on the project, running parts myself and completely lacking enough time to get it done that day. then he manages to pull in one of the other managers (who i also don't like) and they both start in on this total crap. after about 20 minutes of listening to utter nonsense, i stoped them, asked if either on them was going to actually do anything besides waste my time today, and not so politely told them to get the fuck out of my cell and stop being useless. if they weren't going ot help, wasting my time was going to cause this project to fail. that got thier attention and they left. the next day i found out from ryan that the first guy then proceded to call a meeting to show people how to use outlook to scedual tasks. he managed to waste 3 hours a f ew people day. at which point ryan told him the same thing, stop wasting peoples time and go do something useful.
it was the second time in less than a week that i'd yelled and swore at someone at work. the time before requires more detail that i won't go into now but it was impressive.
well now, as a way of making it up to this guy i have to put on a happy face, go have a few drinks with him and send him off. i wasn't really given an option on this one as i've now done two work no-no's in less than a week. i just plain don't like this guy and he managed to piss off a bunch of people while he was in the plant this week, but i yelled, so now i have to make up for it. this part drives me nuts, someone can push my buttons all day long but when they get what's coming to them i'm the bad guy.
i'm going to spit in his drink when he;s not looking. fuck em.
i like how you call it your "cell". semi-voluntary prison, nice.
one thing i like about my boss is i can pretty much tell her anything. sometimes things get changed, sometimes not. but it doesnt come back to bite me.
i call it a "cell" because we refer to it as a manufacturing cell. its cellular manufacturing (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cellular_manufacturing). not a prison cell, but that analogy does fit quite nicely.in the past year, i can really only say i've worked in-depth on two projects. there are 4-7 others that i did work on, but nowhere near what i've done for these other two.
anyway, after being there and talking with these people, its nice to go out and talk shop amongst people who know what you're talking about, but i still don't like them. what was funny to see was the two people who i mentioned in this post were both there and i think the two of them hit it off very well. they had both spend good chunks of time in japan and they just went from there. i said my goodbyes, drank my company sponsored beers and got my ass home before it did anything i'd regret.
i still fully intend to stab these guys in the back given the opportunity in front of the VP. i've been thinking about this one for a while.
i don't like these people.
they aren't good at their jobs.
they aren't helpful to me.
they in no way make my job/life easier.
they are in positions of authority to my job.
positions i want.
i have access to their boss. (why i have access to a VP in any company is beyond me,i just don't get it, but i'll use it)
and proof they haven't done what they should have been doing these last few months.
i need to further my own career/avoid a layoff.
this is the same VP i nailed at whirly-ball a few months back.
this might not go well...
wait a minute. i'm 20 months into this job, a new personal record. maybe this is just about the right time...
you know, as i was writing my previous comment i was wondering in the back of my mind if there was an engineering reason for calling it the cell.
go for it at work. i'm just amassing all the training i can get. if i'm more valuable to my current employer, great. if i'm more valuable to another, great. right now i'm doing fire and theft stuff. more interesting than the normal.
Yup, here we go again. This is the same exact pattern as the last two Matt.
Matt, you should start your own company. It's obvious that you can't work in any sort of structure. Have you been hit yet by layoffs?
Hey Matt, I am impressed by your refusal to put up with Bullshit. I agree with the Hungerforce on this one though, and RPL for that matter. You will be fired and you will have to start your own company. First, snipe some of the better employees from your company and from old companies for that matter. That way you have compitent people to work with and not just douchebag middle managers. Just a though homie.