# posted by ron @ 12/30/2008 11:56:00 PM
I tried to copy a DVD from blockbuster today...
and failed.
I used to actually know how to us a PC. Now I feel like the damn thing owns me. I'm also not warming up to Vista but I'm afraid to format because I think I might lose all the cool things my laptop has to offer like the quick shortcut buttons, volume controls (more external buttons) and the card reader. Not to mention stuff like the touch pad. I few more weeks and I might just be forced over the edge...
If you want my 12 year old cousin can come over and show you how to do it.
Windows listens to record companies and hollywood who think they own the content you paid for. Linux doesn't, so you can play and copy DVD and music without knowing or caring about DRM (just what the hell is "rights management anyway?) or region codes. And actually Linux is getting quite nifty with card readers, volume buttons and the like these days too, but for a less involved solution, try http://dvdshrink.org/what_en.php
Your friend, who is still very much a geek.
Sounds like someone needs to get laid.
Ha ha! You bastard.
damon, what distribution do you run? or what would you recommend that I run if I were to give it a try.
Format the shit out of it Ron. No computer can tell you what to do.
Um, not sure how blunt I want to be about this, but said activity was last done this morning, and involved person has since called and asked for repeat tonight.
Well for something easy Ubuntu is all the rage. Take a look at desktop environments Gnome, and KDE. If you like KDE, it's Kubuntu. Look at XFCE and E17 if gnome and KDE don't float your boat. Ok, if you want something faster and are willing to learn more about your computer and OS try Arch, or Gentoo. I used Gentoo for the past 3 or 4 years, but Arch seems to be the same idea but doesn't compile everything from scratch. Compiling on Gentoo gives you flexibility to use whatever program and feature combination you want but means your pc works hard for hours during install and big updates, vs just minutes for a binary distribution like Arch, most others, and Windows. Finally, know that if you don't like something in Linux you can change it, rebooting doesn't fix problems and doesn't even need to ever happen, and it's really sweet to be able to legally download and install any program in minutes rather than buying it. I have to go, but I'd be happy to help you (or anyone else) with it.
So what's this dude's name, Damon?
[sigh] why do I visit this blog with its middle school humor? I assume you are asking about my sexual partner and are implying it's a man. While there would be nothing wrong with that, it happens to be a woman. And if you aren't convinced my linux knowledge doesn't hold me back, know that I've been with her for over 18 months, she has switched to linux, and allows me to date other women, the latest of which is coming up tomorrow. Hopefully my new laptop comes around then too. I don't know which is more exciting. So there, I"m a geek who gets plenty of action.
You keep coming back because at heart there is a little middle school kid in you that likes to play dumb.
I hate to call you out here but it doesn't get much more middle schoolish than bragging about getting ass. I can only speak for myself but honestly, I don't care who you fuck.
What kind of laptop? I got Lenovo Y530. its good minus the OS. I'm going to give the Kubunt a try when my balls finally drop.
Hey I didn't bring it up.
I got a Lenovo T500. It's annoying Lenovo won't sell it without an OS. It's sweet that it's got switchable graphics, like turbo: there when you need it, but not wasting energy when you don't.