# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 9/02/2008 09:45:00 PM
can you smell it? its september, and that means baseball and politics. fuck yeah. the yanks are done for so thats a waste of time talking about. i'll chime backin during the offseason to see who they try and sign, but thats about it for me and baseball this year. politics on the other hand....
was i the only one rooting for the levees to break during the RNC? is that bad?
palin? this is some kind of fucked up joke right? right? they keep putting her on the news and telling me she was mcains VP pick but all i hear is "President Obama, you have a call on line 3, its mcain again, he wants more money, what should i tell him?"
my first thought was histarical laughter, followed by joy, and then the sick realization that this election is now about blackman vs. woman and who the american people hate more. i was in VT over the weekend and heard multiple harsh reminders that this country really does still hate black people. i guess any woman but hillary is OK Right? fuck. but then a ray of hope again, whats this? a lawsuit over firing an ex brother in law? and now a pregnant unwed teenage daughter? holly crap this is the gift that just keeps on giving. i can't wait to hear the next talking point after "Executive Experience". mayor of a city? really? that town is smaller then the ass backwards town i'm from in VT. mayor is generally a position that no one runs against. i guess that's all it takes to be qualified for president to the republicans. i agree with paul begala, this is an insult.
Don't forget about Football! Hoo ha!
yeah i realized that right after i posted. usually i ignore the first few weeks of the football season because the yanks are in the playoffs, but this year is different.
on a follow up to the politics, go fuck yourself Joe Lieberman, i watched some of his speech last night at the RNC, not the DNC mind you, he still claims to be a democrat. i call bullshit! the speech was mind boggling on so many levels i hurt my head and then i went back to watching the shield.
for more hilarious political commentary, watch the rerun of tonights daily show and colbert report. some fantastic clips of republicans directly contradicting statements they have made in the past. most have to do with the pick of palin, but there are a few others too. and jon stewart's comparison of fred thompson to foghorn leghorn is pretty much spot on.
now i wont pretend that these shows are impartial. i just had to throw it out there before someone went all smartass and argued that they're part of the liberal media. no shit. but it's still hilarious. and some of these contradictions are so direct that there really isn't anyway to dispute it, regardless of video editing.
Yes, the Daily Show on 9/3 was hilarious! They showed so many hypocritical statements I couldn't believe it. Foghorn and droopy dog was good too.