The Workermonkey


Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Wii vs. everything 


ok, the last post was about baseball but i think we all have something more to say about video games right now. Wii vs. everything else (360, PS3, Etc.) i say PS3 hands down. i like the Wii, i enjoy it and i'm going to have a ton of fun associated with it, but there are a ton of things going against it. right now its a pop culture phenom. great, wonderful, but when do i get to play good games on it? and why do those games look so crappy? what do you mean its not HD? i give nintendo a lot of credit, its a well thought out machine and its a ton of fun, its clever, convient (i own gamecbe controlers which are backwards compatable) and great for groups. but when you start to get under the surface of a Wii its not all that great. or propietary. or modern.

i have trouble saying its nextgen because it isn't. its a gamecube with motion controls and updated NES peripherals. my first thought of the fit board is "haven't i played this before? it was called a power pad once?" why isn't the nunchuck wireless? nintendo is totally paranoid about piracy which is one of the reasons they never went to CD like game cartriages. its too hard to rip off a hard plastic shell with a memory chip in it that fits a funny connector. if nintendo cared about making things convient they'd have made it bluetooth and let you control everything with a 50$ add-on. the other big one i haven't really played around with is the nintendo online. MS and sony are lightyears ahead in the online game console stuff and why the hell would i want to download old nintendo games? i still have the ones i bought 15 fucking years ago around.

both Micrsoft and Sony are coming out with motion based controls soon. oh wait, PS3 launched with one called the 6 axis. they just had a lame game to follow it up with, Lair. nothing catchy like tennis. or bowling. way to fuck your developers nintendo. make a basic version of a game people are willing to pay 60$ for every year. that won't kill game sales.

PS3 give you games, online and blueray for less then anyother blueray player on the market. its' upfront cost is a little higher, but its longterm is much lower. plus online is free and you don't need a bunch of stupid add-on's to enjoy it. even if you don't use it for online or gaming, its still the cheapest blueray player on the market. for that alone it should be the best system. xbox 360, well, Meh! its not that i don't like it, its just, it's microsoft and it's basically a lesser version of a PS3. MS gets much better developer support because that's the only way they are going to win. they need better games because they don't have better hareware. but, aren't games why people play?



You can keep your ps3 because I dont even have an HD TV. Did you read that Sony forcasted that it could lose billions on the PS3?

I'll download old NES games just so I don't have to hook up another system and fuck with the cartridge.

wii is going to take over like the ipod. I'll agree that the wii fit is a bit on the ridiculous side. What's next? "Wii eats" or "wii work" where you feed yourself and go to work. Then again the American lifestyle is partly defined by parking oneself in front of the tv or computer for many hours a day. pathetic or not? depends who you ask....

By Blogger ron, at Tuesday, July 08, 2008 11:01:00 PM  

Wii fit is kinda fun, IMHO. I can watch Baseball while I yoga, the Simpsons while I ski jump (Matt I smoked everybodies records, fyi) ect. Its good for those of us who are too "Fat, lazy, drunk and stupid" to leave the house.

P.S> New phone #8604980268

P.S.S> Smash brother fucking rocks!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Wednesday, July 09, 2008 6:52:00 AM  

Wii work...hahaha! Nintendo never claimed to be the next gen or the next powerhouse of gaming. They were innovative and went in a new direction. Instead of bigger, faster, and more powerful (and more heat generating...seriously the xbox 360 is like a space heater), they went for something smarter. Can you believe that video games are not for kids anymore? People 45+ are buying Wii's! Genius!

I guess it depends on what you want and are looking for. The Wii definitely hit a niche that no one else was. The PS3 is going to have some kickass games that can't compare. But the Wii has a good thing going. It's just on a different level. Apples and oranges almost. I applaud Nintendo's efforts. The DS rocks too. Like I said, Zelda changed my paradigm of video game thought. I can't believe you idiots have not played it yet!

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Wednesday, July 09, 2008 3:36:00 PM  

let's be honest, a "wii eats" game would save us all a lot of time and energy.

but seriously, dominique and i resolve all of our disputes with wii boxing. you can't argue with a TKO.

By Blogger josh, at Wednesday, July 09, 2008 7:33:00 PM  

ok i'm going ot hit bullet ponits here so bear with me:

the sony has only started to now make profits from the console. they knowingly sold it at a loss for the first two years and didn't expect to make profits from sales of the hardware until next year. tehy are ahead of schedule. they still make money off software sales.

they already have games that are eating and working. anyone ever try second life? thats it. its fucking work. and the sims. you tell them to eat, shit, and sleep.

i guess americans are stupid so tricking them into exercise may be the only way.

smash brothers does rock. Pic-KA!

oh i forgot about the heat issue. xboxes will set your house on fire. if not the superheated console, then the controler coards. MS pushes too much current through them and they over heat.

i agree that they are targeted at different people. the Wii is your "casual gamer" (ie: women and old people) while PS3 and XB360 are for people who already play video games, men 12-34. i don't know if anyone has noticed but nintendo features girls in their DS commercials much the same way McDonalds puts black people in their ads.

the last game that "changed my paradigm of video game thought" didn't include link. WoW was the last game i can truly say took me in like that but i'm constantly surprised every time i play a new FPS that's any good. call of duty 4 was awesome. shooters are ment to be played with a mouse and keyboard, a console controller will never compare.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Wednesday, July 09, 2008 9:24:00 PM  

does anyone have a phone number for sean florez, that works?

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Wednesday, July 09, 2008 9:28:00 PM  

Sean's cell#: (619) 517-2821

By Blogger Oates, at Monday, July 28, 2008 2:47:00 PM  

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