# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 7/02/2008 09:04:00 PM
as many of you know, i like the yankees. but today i read
this article about them by buster olney. i hate buster olney. i think he's a terrible baseball commentator and i generally disagree with him at tall times. but today he made me think. the yankees are missing something. that swagger and mystic is gone with the glory days but i think i've got it. its the fans. they're missing the fans. i remember yankees stadium being a little different a few years and go and the baseball discourse in our area was more refined. yes i refer to the glory days as the time before a red sox word series title. but i can't blame the red sox for thier success, i've generally agreed with all the moves they've made over the last few years while i've snickered at hte yanks'. letting stars move on is a tought thing to do but they did it perfectly, from pedro, damon, lowe, nomar and millar. even moves that didn't work out i've said were good, like reteria, lugo and coco crisp. i guess i just remember more passion from yankee fans even 5 years ago, but i guess the fan base is a reflection of its players and the yanks have spent more time in the tabloids and on steroids then i'd like to admit, while some of this just comes with the territory in NY. i miss the paul o'neils and the david justices. those guys brought some fire to the teams that the yankls just don't have right now. they still have the oldest lineup in the league so maybe it's just age. its not even the all star break yet and they aren't as far back as they were last year at this time. at this point i'm not confident, but i have hope that they will turn it around. i'd love to see yankee stadium go out with a winning world series game and the team moves into it's new stadium next year. i think it would be only right as the house the ruth built has held more then any other venue. it really is a baseball landmark and i'd love to see it go down a winner as the team rides off into the sunset of its new diggs. having a meaning ful game in october is a lot nicer than waving goodbye through september. good luck yankee stadium, good luck. fuck yeah yank's!
i don't remember where i was going with this, but now i'm drunk and it doesn't matter.
FYI..workermonkey team. I have gotten the Wii and it is Wii-tastic.
Feel free to come over and have a Wii-gasm anytime.
Matt: we're looking at you.
i agree with you here matt. i think a lot of it has to do with the players as well. right now it's really just a motley bunch of guys. the yankees used to be a team, now they're just a collection of players. the red sox teams that won recently played as a team, and that's what the yankees did in their days with paul o'neill, bernie williams (back when he could throw), etc. they just don't seem to have that anymore.
tim - we got a wii recently as well. awesome.
everyone - we moved last weekend and we're pretty much all set up now. we'll have people over at some point, i'll keep you updated.
I got a Wii a month ago too. I'm buying Nintendo stock.