# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 6/18/2008 07:33:00 PM
finally, i've finished playing Xmen legends 2. it wasn't a bad game, just long and it was getting tedious. i thought i was done and then it sprang another chapter on me. nuts. but its over now and i can move on to bigger and better things. like the xbox i picked up on craigslist for 40$. the kid gave me two light guns and a racing wheel plus 4 controlers and 10 good games. i'd consider it a steal. x men was my last game to finish for the wonderful box that is the gamecube. its now time for its controllers to be removed and played on a more advanced system, the Wii (when tim and moe buy one). i've started playing the first Halo already. it's always bugged me i've never completed that so now i'm going to try. i've also got a solid game of Final Fantasy 1 going at senior kolpaks.
what are you playing?
I'm playing being social and trying to have sex with girls.
Really... With "girls"... Didn't you recently post a video of your pussy then some dudes ass. I didnt realize you became a lesbian, maybe you should stop hanging out with those roller-dykes.
Hey, Rollerdykes are good times and I won't give them up just yet. You anonymous coward!
If you bothered to come over and visit Casa del Loon once and awhile, you know the identity of the mysterious man downstairs. It is I, Professor Spunkmeyer.
P.S. I don't want hear any of your excuses about how we're in different time zones.
i have an xbox as well, but i rarely play it. i play it more in the winter when it's just miserable here. i have a tiger woods game for it that i absolutely love. but in the summer, i play my own golf.
ok, update. we just got a wii today.
sweet, find yourself some old gamecube controllers and a copy of super smash brothers brawl and enjoy. its sad, but the best game on the system has absolutely nothing to do with the motion controls.
brian, fuck off
tim, stop causing trouble under different user names, we've had this conversation before.
Josh, i never understood sports games, especially golf. half the point of golf is to get out of the house and get outside on a nice day. videogames are the complete opposite of that, thus what does a golf videogame have to offer? (tim, i'm totally expecting some sort of nerd games outside thing here)
Oh where to begin...
1) Go fuck yourself (thats the tequila)
2) Go fuck yourself (still the tequila)
3) I usually own up to my drunken rants
4) I happen to find my (love)handles funny. If you don't like them, go fuck yourself.
5) I had fun this weekend, we should do it again sometime.
6) Go fuck yourself (Tequila)
7) I can't find the thingy to the camera to upload the pictures
8) I can count to ate.
9) Now come'on thats funny
And 10) I'd say go fuck yourself, but thats a tired point and you are the only ally I have in the campaign against those infernal rats, so I'll give you some advice. Wait until before I've drank alot of tequila until you tell me what to do, or I'll hunt you down and aand feed you to my tequila.
Thats is all.
i bought you that tequila duschebag.
yes, more nerd games in the yard. does that count as social?
ahhhh, but you only read half of what i wrote...or maybe a third.
i mainly (only) play xbox in the winter and when it's shitty out here. in the summer i play my own golf.
with team sports games video games can make sense when no one else is around.
the other purpose for sports games (or maybe the main one) is that they can be for people who like sports but aren't very athletic. those who are good at video games can still enjoy the sports that way.
Oh Matty...
I haven't even gotten to your tequila yet. It's margeritta monday at the local establishment.
But yes, games in the yard was fun!
To wit, I'm now drinking the warm left over beer in cooler outside. The water in it smells funny, so i rinsed off the can. I would have drank your tequila but a certain buzzkiller (ahem, Mo we're looking at you) took away and hid it Friday niht. Now's she passed out and when I ask her where it is she just mumbles at me.
(Yes, the time stamp is correct, its 8:40)
I just bought Bocce as an impulse buy. It was 30% off. I also have Croquette. I'm in search of Jarts.
they don't make jarts any more, too many people got killed.