# posted by Tino @ 3/03/2008 12:47:00 PM
Go to http://www.proposition317.com to sign the petition
Sorry this got all messed up somehow, in order to make saint patty's day an official holiday go sign this petetion, i see no reason why it shouldn't considering how many other days are national hallmark holidays.
so if you like guiness as much as me, do it!
I honestly find it offensive when protestants celebrate St. Patty's day. I'd find even more offensive if our country made it a national holiday. It's the last thing he'd want, I bet. I urge you all not to support this. Sorry Tino.
since when did religious meaning have anything to do with our excuses to celebrate? how many Americans really know that Christmas has something to do with jesus? or easter? or what the fuck rashashana is? (did i even come close to spelling that right?)we're mostly just materialistic and associate Christmas with presents.
Its bad enough. Do we need to basterdize another holy day? No. St. Patrick was great man. Our country has destroyed so many good things, do we need to soil this holiday more?
Most of the people "celebrating" are just getting drunk and nothing else. I dont know where to begin with the litany of psycho-babble to which that pertains.
Then there is the protestants. Isn't one of the main tenets of protestantism that celebrating saints violates commandments 1 and 2? Someone correct me here.
I can tolerate, to a degree, other people sharing in the celebration. The non protestant, non-just drinking-myself-stupid people.
But it goes overboard. It goes beyond the point of the celebration. Its downright ignorance. Its the celebration of ignorance for most people. Its the epitome of our society, and its sad. Our culture does that and I cant cogently describe it. We are country full of ignorance and we take things and "absorb" them and make them part of our retardation.
It's the opposite of what I think St. Patrick would have wanted.
Every year I boycott this madness. I beg you all, don't sink to the level of the ignorant masses.
Just think of the things you stand for. In any of your name's, do you want people degrading themselves or society.
I had no idea you felt this way Tim. it is understandable considering what goes on on this day as opposed to what saint Patrick stood for. It was not meant to offend in any way, i just love guiness as im sure you do. i do however plan on having a couple of pints irregardless of the debauchery that the day has come to mean. Cheers