# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 2/16/2008 05:22:00 PM
bit it, bit that bullet good. on to the next goal.
Cell Phone - Check
Car - Check
House - aww.. come on, now i have to buy a house! damn it! all in due time.
P.S.: i bought an 08 malibu. the silver one.
congrats buddy! looks real nice. you should use it to come visit. we'll grab some beers, cigars if you like...golf when it's warm.
invite open to all
Your an idiot. Chevy Malibu....ughh....
your is a possessive pronoun
you're is the contraction for "you are"
oh, the irony!
looks good. I dig the styling.
enjoy the payment... sucker.
I second Brancy, and Ron's payment comment. What does that thing get for mileage? Gonna like it when you're still making payments and gas costs exceed those? For comparison, I sometimes borrow a '94 Corolla that gets 39 mpg and used to have a '92 Civic that got 41. Those totally paid off, cheap to run, cheap to insure cars are where it's at. Oh and one more thing, in 2008 have American car companies finally realized how useful it is to have the back seats fold down in a sedan?
not to mention that you just lost 20% of it's value in depreciation driving it off the lot, i for one will never buy a new car, but thats me.
Anyway anonymous must must be an 8th grade english teacher, and i hope not the same as the one that left the elitist asshole comment last month, cause my elitist foot is gonna find it way into that self righteous grammar correcting Ass.
P.S. Ken (Matt) where is Barbie? But honestly have fun with the new car, drive fast and take chances with faster women.
I'm aware of my inconsistent grammar usage thank you. I forgot that this was a blog after all....how terribly ridiculous of me.
a '94 corolla getting 39mpg? i don't think so. i took amazing care of my 2000 corolla. at it's peak i got 30-33mpg. but then it died on me. on it's own. for no reason.
plus, old cars are cheaper to insure because people usually don't get collision/comp/rental on them and if they get into accidents they're usually totaled.
cars are a crapshoot. congrats to matt for getting the one he liked best.
wow, what a warm response. hey it come down to this, my Malibu is a good, solid car, i got a nice supplier discount, i was looking at used cars that cost almost the same and have no warranty, it looks awesome, its good for me and i need a reliable car. the cost wasn't crazy, it was totally affordable. the gas milage is good, but it doesn't matter, it around the same as my old car, a little better, and i agree that gas is going to sky rocket, but it hasn't happened yet and i don't see it crashing in the next 4 years. my insurance went up less than 200 dollars a year and this was a smart move for me. so go fuck all y'all. i like it
Josh you doubt my mileage numbers? You do know I'm an energy engineer/geek and employed in transportation research? Yours may get worse mileage because it weighed more, having more safety equipment and/or features. Many older cars are more efficient than newer ones (especially those designed and built with the oil embargo in mind.)
Aside from not getting collision old cars are worth less, so cost less to insure. And in CT the property tax on an old car will be laughable, but could be annoying at least if not painful on a new one.