# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 2/20/2008 08:46:00 PM
Ok branci, chill, i've removed your admin privileges and changed the password. dude that lasted what, like 10 minutes? and you're calling tim names? i can't think of anything more unpatriotic then telling people they can't do something. go fuck your self. you can all do what ever the fuck you want. last i checked, they still tell us this is a free country. yes, we are elitist assholes, how many of us went to study in china? none. how many of us send money to starving kids in africa? none, (well, with the intent of full disclosure, i should say that i have a microloan for a starving african country. i'm not sure which one, but i've ear marked it for small, manual, water pump projects, its really very fascinating, but thats another story). we're all the same douche bags we claim to rally against.
Tim, i'm not sure the world is ready for full colored action shots of what happens on friday nights. maybe black and white. and stop stirring up trouble for no reason.
and which one of us is drunk, fat
AND stupid? i'm not going to say any of us aren't drunk and fat (well maybe ron, pussy.) but there are still plenty of countries where anyone of our intellects would be hailed as godly.
this blog was created to bring an audience to the crazy ranting of my drunk ass. i invited you all along, now behave. booya!
shit, i didn't mean to delete that.
golf and beers and cigars!
really. now that we are older and have most have lost any athletic ability we once had, is anyone else planning on getting serious about golf or playing more?
anyone interested let me know. i'll get back there a few times, and all are welcome out here. we can meet halfway too. also, dominique's mom got us a new grill for xmas, so there will be plenty of bbqing.
This blog is a piece of shit, just like you. Nobody cares what you do with it.
Wow, the ban was lifted for all of an hour before anym. shows up.
A couple clarifications on my part:
1) "Fat, drunk and stupid..." is a direct quote from Animal House and wasn't meant as an insult...just quoting a scene.
2) I was kidding about deleting Tim's account. That was supposed to be funny because he was ranting about censorship!
3) Your mom
4) I've actually had Administrative privs for years now. Its good to have a backup and i've only used them to delete spam and shit in the past.
i didn't like your stupid ball anyways