# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 2/07/2008 08:13:00 PM
this week has been good. It started with a nice little vacation from life at the looney's and an unlikely super bowl victory by my favorite team, which also won me a cool 500 bucks in the office pool. fuck yeah! The quality guy at work who i've been pleading with people to fire, is leaving under his own free will. double fuck yeah!! and today i had a nice sit down chat with the "black ops project hitman" as he's become known around work. he's impressed. triple fuck yeah!!!Generally he sits in the back of meetings and just watches everyone, or he's ripping me apart. either or. i know what his marching orders are because i know too much, i hear many things not ment for my ears with out trying. and people seem to have a lot of confidence in me. thats something i've never, ever been able to figure out but thats a different story. this guy has spent the better part of two weeks ripping me apart top to bottom because this project i'm working on was doomed from the start. He's starting to spend more and more time in the plant as the dead line approaches and it my head if it's all fucked up. oh yeah, and as of 2 weeks ago i'm now running this project. but he didn't know that. as far as he knew, i've been leading the way the whole time. until today. this week he's been noticing the people i've got working for me. one is an intern, who's from africa. not much help there, but he really is trying. i give him credit. the other is a grumpy old man who's building a serious machine for the first time ever. wonderful. all the others are my bosses. they've been asking why i haven't been using other "resources" around the plant. i have. i'm out. i've got like ten people working full time on this project and there aren't any more people. at most times i feel like i'm the boss around the place because i'm directing a bunch of people and just managing them all day. we've had a bunch of surprise visits all in a row the last few weeks from customers so its been very hectic. i don't have time to do my own work because i'm ansering questions and helping people out all day. today the "black ops project hitman" figured out what i was doing with all the people because he watched me all day. from his seat in the conference room across the way he can catch the corner of my cubical. and watch all the people in and out all day, and i had a bunch of work done extremely well for a meeting. take that FMEA's!!! Thats when i impressed him. He took me aside and told me about it. It felt good to earn his respect. i was happy. this evening a bunch of us from the office threw a party for the departing secratary. She likes to joke that i'm going to marry her daughter and i'd be a perfect son-in-law. well, thats what the whole party was about when she got drunk. it was a lot of fun and i discovered there are a bunch of people there who would love to have me marry into the family. a nice ego boost.
so far, its been a good week. fuck yeah.
A celebration is in order. Tequila?
F the Tequila!
But for my WoW Dorksters, we shall be entering MAGTHERIDON'S LAIR tonight, be prepared, ok maybe just a little tequila.
Also i encourage you both to fill out the one page survey at; www.wowtcg.com/survey so we can get a chance to win 24 boxes of their new card set, as i doubt we will buy any.
nice! my week's been mostly the opposite. work piled on because more people were out of the office than usual. also, shitty weather affects my job, so the snow and rain didn't help this week. so it's feeling pretty good right now.
congrats on all the recognition. long deserved, it sounds like.
this post is why i say karmas a bitch, everything was going good, a little too good, then, BAM! (literally) car accident. i'll continue to shoot for the warm soft underbelly and find happy ground in the middle.