The Workermonkey


Tuesday, February 19, 2008



Put it back! This should at least be put to a vote! This is so undemacratic it's almost American. And what about people who don't have or want an account? Think of all the discussion it generates. You're isolating us from the societal extremes. Which, I remind you, is a demographic many of us prefer or are an active member of. These people deserve a voice, and the right to opine (its a fucking word, look it up, you grammer nazi. Have a sense of humor about the nature of communication, and focus you energy on something productive) with the rest of us.

Furthormore, as I member of this community, I'm outraged by this new restriction on my freedom of speech. I don't want to login. Call it what you want, but I don't want too and I shouldn't have too. If I want to call myself T or No Brain or Jesus, I should be able to. You're also stealing some hilarious comic value from the comment section.

Then's there the matter of the "Elitist Comment". That was me. Or at least likely me, I'm 90% sure, anyways. While I don't remember doing it, I was able to put together the following evidence:

1) When I was reading the post that morning, I had a terrible hangover.
2) When I read it, I thought it was funny ( I do find myself to be hilarious).
3) I agreed with it.
4) The "study a broad" joke is an old family joke my father has used for years.

Now, I'm not going to apologise. I don't feel I need to. I felt it was an elitist comment, and I'll stand by it. "Asshole", admittedly, was harsh, but, come on. The idea that everyone should go overseas for any reason other than pilliging gold, women or oil seems elitist to me.

I propose the opposite. No one leaves until every problem is solved. Except, maybe, like the bottom ten percent should be allowed to come and go as they(we) pleased (out with the lazy, in with the hardworking!). Or maybe, the poor could just rise up and send everybody in the upper middle class and higher back to Europe (or Africa or whatever). Oh, wait. Their just too lazy and ignorant to ever achieve such a goal. Why don't we just get rid of the second amendment while we're at it. I mean, why would I need to defend myself from my government, they're clearly well intentioned and honorable. All right, that was a bit of an irrelevent tangent. Whiskey's kicking in agian.

I am not, however, the grammer nazi. That idiot pisses me off more anything. Just another kind fascism. If the people I'm communicating with understand what I've communicated, was I not successful? Does it matter in what way it was done? Is that somehow more important than why who or what is an asshole? Or anything else for that matter? Who care's if "some" people have difficulty understanding it. "Some" people are also assholes. And one of those people is me. Mr. Grammer guy, go fuck yourself, the horse you rode in on, your cats and anything else that keeps you company in your cold, lonely existance.

And finally this last note is Matt, Mo and Jesse. I'm going to throw the next "you know what" for our Friday "um, bible study, would that somehow be less lame?" up on my blog. I'll post a link when its done. The rest of you will be advised to not look, or what little respect you have for any of us will evaporate. I feel it makes the whole thing more official and maybe a little classier.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Wednesday, February 20, 2008 8:59:00 AM  

I was refering to the previous one about us being elitist assholes in regards to the map of the world or how americans see the world. The grammar one i could really care less about, it was the "go suck a dick" comment which if it did come from you (tim) i would have laughed at it and set you straight, you ignorant hobbit, haha just kidding.

Here is my point, just cause matt may know who it is posting these comments does not give me the warm happy feeling when some Anony. feels like saying stuff like that. That attack seemed pointed toward Damon specifically but i took it the wrong way because it was from anony.. Furthermore this is all Tim's Fault who i think should be shunned for 4 years, also kidding. the real problem is just miscommunication and apparently bitterness for the fact that damon likes to study females in scandinavia.

By the way matt you cant argue without differing opinions, you sound like george bush defending the war saying i like it when there is conflict in a war.

That all Betches

By Blogger Tino, at Wednesday, February 20, 2008 12:59:00 PM  

Sorry That's all Betches

Dictated not Read

By Blogger Tino, at Wednesday, February 20, 2008 1:05:00 PM  

Oh. I forgot about "Go Suck a Dick". Sounds like something I would say though. That is a little harsh, so I'm sorry for telling Damon to go suck a dick. I guess I wouldn't appreciate my sexuality being called into question either.

I still say anonymity is part of free speech and that it should be brought back.

As for Brancibeer's point. I may fat, I may be drunk and I may be stupid, but .. well I'm not sure where I was going with this point. Oh yeah, at least I was smart enough to buy home that won't end up underwater due to global warming.

By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Wednesday, February 20, 2008 5:38:00 PM  

Na its cool, I got that global warming thing under wraps. I'm worried about Manbearpig the most these days.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Thursday, February 21, 2008 8:55:00 AM  

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