# posted by Tino @ 2/20/2008 01:13:00 PM
Grammar aside, there is nothing wrong with introducing new opinions into this blog, in fact we need it because a lot of us have similar perspectives and ideas on how things are, and it is in fact kind of boring and staid without it. I think learning about cultures and countries outside of our own couldn't be more important right now. The U.S. is in bad shape right now we cant just seal ourselves off and fester like a septic tank. We need to educate our youth and send them elsewhere to absorb/steal what everybody else is doing better. Look at India/China/Europe there must be 100 times more students/workers sent here than we send to them even though it is a lot harder for them to do so. Our problem as a whole is that we the people are fat, lazy, stupid and content not to see the big picture, instead we like to sit on our super power laurels and wonder why our counrty has a super defecit while other countries buy our businesses and assets for 80cents on the dollar. Not to mention our staggering economy. I'm sorry i got really politcal with this but its true.
And Tim, come on if we were truely facists wouldn't all traces of your posting that disagrees with the powers that be and yourself dissapear overnight.
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We're gonna ride this train till the F#$%^&* wheels fall off!