# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 1/07/2008 07:25:00 PM
it doesn't happen too often but today at work i found myself totally lost. i have no idea what i'm doing for this project i'm working on. i'm over my head. i've been tasked with an impossible goal. I've been spending more time going to meetings about the project than working on it. i've made my problems known to many people and i keep getting work dumped on me from many directions. last week it was the VP telling me i'm totally responsible for what many other people are working on because its my project. i've countered with, it isn't my project, that would be the guy they promoted to project manager for this stuff, i'm an engineer. doesn't matter. i'm responsible and smart so its my problem. plus, this is my "opportunity". they want to see how i can handle this in case they decide to promote me. and basically, they all just assume i'll do it. i've been asked for more estimates, plans, outlines, timing and other things then i could possibly produce. and next week i get to go to east bum-fuck south carolina again to teach people 20 years my senior how to fill out paper work that should have been done before i started with this company. friday i was asked to send things to outside vendors because we are short on time and people. i had to inform all of my bosses that its too late for that. a 6 week lead time from an outside vendor puts us late. plus they want to validate everything soon. i've had to tell them that it isn't built yet, there isn't anything to validate. "why not?" i spend my time making lists and you take the people away from me for other stuff. i'm not supposed to build it myself yet the people who are aren't available to me. "oh". i get "oh." a lot. this job is still easier than my last two. fuck the world. i'll be just fine.
at least you like the job better than the other two. that's good. i still like my job and that really helps the days go by quickly and not seem so bad.
where in south cakalaky will you be? perhaps i can suggest some great racist and/or sexist hangouts for you.
So it begins. The axe is getting sharp and I got $20 on July.
if this program really goes that bad it'll be more like end of march.
it's a happy little town called Pickens, SC. west of greenbourough.
about time you strap on a pair and take some responsibility.
sounds like you need to hire a bitch.
Do they know about your "Capitalization Deficiency?"
Or are you ahead of the game because your coworkers don't use punctuations?
the "shift" button only slows me down. punctuation is where its at. thats the money character.