# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 1/29/2008 06:13:00 PM
fuck yeah! this makes me happy. this keeps him away from the Red Sox and keeps the awesome young talent in the yanks system. the only loser here is the twins who could have had a much better deal from the red sox or yankees. crisp-lester-lowry and hughes-melky-bentecort(spelling?) were both better offers then what the mets ultimately gave up. i'm not sold on humber and gomez will most likely be a flash in the pan like scott posednik. the other guys are window dressing. plus this keeps santana in the NL where he can win the cy young for the rest of his life. the mets will have to start the collapse around the all star break this year to miss the playoffs now.
i know spring training hasn't started yet, but this is the time of year i really start to get excited about baseball. this off week between the playoffs and the superbowl usually makes me forget football is even on. pitchers and catchers report in less than two weeks and position players usually 2 weeks later.
while i'm talking baseball, i'd like to set the record straight on PED's (Performance Enhancing Drugs, IE: steroids). i don't care. at all. every single player can be juiced out of his mind every day if they want. i don't care. if a player shoots himself full of horse testosterone and gains 150 lbs of muscle over night, it doesn't help them play baseball. they can't run, move, lost all flexibility, can't hit anything but a home run and their careers are much shorter then they should be. the people who smartly use steroids only use them to recover faster from injuries, not get superhuman strong like most people think. hitting home runs is much more about hand eye coordination then muscle. your average MLB pitcher throws a mid-90's fastball, all you have to do is make contact with it and it'll go over the fence. it has nothing to do with muscle. and what's the difference between
Winstrol and
Red Bull? or a gallon of coffee before the game? i'm guessing no one has noticed that since MLB got harsher on their testing policy, the number of players appling for waivers for ADD medication has skyrocketed. can you really tell me a few hits of adderall wouldn't help you out before a game? Anyone who tells you that old records have more meaning is full of shit. you think those guys weren't on something? amphetamines used to be called "greenies" around a clubhouse and were readily available by the handful from the trainer. ricky henderson and darrle strawberry were coked out of thier minds most the time. i'll skip the hypocrisy of the NFL's track record with steroids for sake of time and space.
want a good example? think T-O a few years ago when he broke his ankle a few weeks before the eagles went to the superbowl. the normal recovery time for a broken ankle is like 6-8 weeks, he was playing in a superbowl after 3 (maybe 4, i can't remember exactly but it was short). andy pettit came back from shoulder surgery 4 months sooner because he took some drugs. they didn't help him pitch, just got him back on the field sooner. i want my teams players on the field, i don't want to see them hurt. i don't want to spend anymore time injured then i have to either. shoot me full of whatever you got doc, i want to be healthy.
i agree with you a lot here. though it would've been nice for the red sox to pick up santana, the mets getting him is better than the yankees. i'm also starting to get excited about baseball this time of year (and golf too).
i also agree with most of what you're saying about the steriods. two points especially. first, there have always been "performance enhancers" in baseball (and all sports). so no records are really safe, or asterisk free if you prefer. and baseball is definitely more about hand-eye coordination than strength. 99% of major leaguers have the power to hit a homerun (that said, i still don't like bonds' record, but mainly because i think he's an asshole). it's a combination of coordination and the speed at which the pitcher throws the ball (and if you like, the juiced-ball era). and while steroids might make players stronger, they can also decrease flexibility. testing is so random that there will never be an even application of the standards in the league anyway. and i definitely want my players back on the field more quickly after an injury. the yankees? well, not so much.
aaahhh but pettit was pitching for houston then