# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 1/19/2008 10:52:00 AM
i've got tickets to tomarrows Pats game, 10 rows back at the 30 yard line. work rules. thanks to dupont. fuck yeah.
Have I told you lately your a deusch-bag?
Oh, and by the way, I was going to let you help me at the brewery tomorrow, but I guess you won't be coming, deusch-bag.
you lucky, lucky bastard. if you want you can stop here on the way back and watch the giants game.
or just take me to the pats game
Sweet! You get to see the RoboPats disassemble and destroy yet another team. God damn it their good. Go Gints- the hardest working team in football!
I'm sorry I called you a deusch-bag. I've been on a tequila bender for a week, and its made me a little emotional. It's just that, man, I can't go at this alone.
It's not that I'm afraid too. It's just that something like this is bigger than any one man. All our lives we've had this hole, and we've tried to fill it with family, career, religion, and these were all dead ends. Now the answer is so obvious, what we've need this whole time was right here in front of us.
Look, we need you on this buddy. I don't know who else could take your place. I need a man who's uunbridled, irrational fury can carry us through the gates of hell and back if he believed in them. I need a man who can work his tubing with speed and care. I need a man with a well developed sense of proportion and insanity, a man with good understanding of heating and cooling systems. Most importatly, I need someone tall enough to feed the fermentor without getting on a step stool. You're that man.
If you don't join me on this, who can I turn too? Ronny? He's too busy humping his bicycle with his free time to focus on what's really important to me. Murphy? Gone. Tino? Gone. Kolpack? Tempting, but his purported credentials in thermodynamics are highly suspect. I could see a position for him down the road on cryogenic project (testing phase?), but not this, this is too important. I'll be stuck with Jesse, that's what will happen. And while his unique style is admirable, it jus won't be the same. For instance, I'm just not sure how he'll feel about "Baby Seal Beer: Now with real chucks of Baby Seal"
Look, think about it. I'm not promising you riches. I'm not promising you a lifetime of happiness. I'm only promising that the worst* thing that will happen is we'll get drunk.
*(small chance of dying in a fermentor explosion).
if there's some weird shit going on, i want in. i'm useful so its a win wi for everyone. what scares me most is that this was written at 1:37 PM, must have been a rough morning.
i guess i should say thanks for the kind words, but i think you hit it right on the head. "well developed sense of proportion and insanity, a man with good understanding of heating and cooling systems" i think that explains me perfectly.
Don't you remember our conversations a couple of weeks ago, when I was talking about freezing people for money, and we figured we had enough collective expertise to put the operation together all we needed was some money.
Well, I figured out how we're going to get the money. We're going to brew beer. Lots of it. Once we get good at it, we'll sell it. It couldn't be simpler.
oh i remember it, fuck the effort of brewing beer, we just need ONE rich dumbass and we're in business. its much easier to find one sucker with cash than it is to doll out delicious beverage over a period of years.