# posted by wyldshaman @ 1/09/2008 08:07:00 AM
Well that was fun. That moment when you were thinking, "This Black Dude just might do it." Forget about the Black thing, the Madrasas, the middle name Hussein, his smoking habit and that he is running against the the Clinton Machine.
"This fella gots Go-Go Juice!"
Not! Just like the Dean Dream of 2004, when the most liberal dude around won the Iowa Caucus, it was too good to be true.
Back to reality folks, i say he wont win another state, let alone the key ones like NY and CA.
Get ready for "Mrs. President"
Well he won Iowa by a lot and Clinton was 3rd; in NH she barely beat him. So I'd say he's still ahead. That's good in my book. I haven't looked into them much because I'm just gonna vote Green or Progressive in my little don't matter state (or Kucinich if he's still in it,) but I like Obama except when he said he'd pursue "terrorists" into Iran without its permission. I'd really like a prez who knows we are the biggest sponsors of terrorism. That and one that doesn't need hundreds of millions of dollars to get elected. Imagine what we could do with all the cash if they were limited to public financing.
i'm not really sure who's ahead. perhaps obama by popular vote, but throw the electoral college in and everything could change.
i think both obama and clinton have a pretty decent upside, but i'm worried about a couple things. first, hopefully neither would pull a lieberman and run as an indy, though i doubt that would happen. moreso, while i think i'd be happy with either at this point, i feel like i've been around long enough to realize that many americans are still just too damn ignorant to elect either a black man or a woman. it's a shame, but let's not tiptoe around the fact that there are a lot of stupid racist sexist people out there.
our best shot is if the republicans put up a crappy candidate like romney or guiliani. guliani looks to be dead in the water at this point.
i'd love to see some kind of mathematical breakdown of how a caucaus is really able to prove anything. the way it works is not capable of providing a true winner. i would suggest everyone just ignore the numbers from it and take nothing but the fact that the few people near the top are just legitimate canidates. seriously, "stand up and move to your corner", thats how we want to pick a winner?
I know your in VN now, but;
Damon, go fuck yorself if you got a problem with the grammer {sic}