# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 12/18/2007 08:27:00 PM
some people would say where i'm living is the ghetto. this part of town is known for that. there's an old lumber mill behind me, a couple of white college girls living next to me, a real nice white couple living below me, an apartment house across the street where no one is ever home in, and 3 churches within walking distance, masonic symbols all over the place, the guy i'm renting from owns 4 of the houses on this short street and its never noisy. this part of town is awesome if anything. its not a bad neighborhood, it just has a bad rep. the houses are old and not exactly in top shape but the people here are nice, its and old part of town, and i haven't even seen anything close to a problem around here. the worst thing i've seen so far is a group of black people hanging out on the corner up the road by the T-ville mini mart. so far harmless. i have nothing else to say. i don't remember the point of this rant. i just liked the headline.
haha nice. hey i'm gonna be home this weekend for a little because i only have 1 day off for xmas. let me know if you'll be around.
black people are dangerous...
yes, black people are dangerous, and yes, as a paranoid white man i do feel safer around people of my own color. my racism doesn't hide below the surface, it right out there with everything else. fuck you and your shame.