# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 12/17/2007 06:22:00 PM
i'm back. back on the internets. watch out internet porn servers, i'm connected once again.
after an hour of me and the cable guy deciphering every fucking cable ever made, now located in my basement, it was clear to us that who ever ran the 6 cable lines into this house must have been fucking crazy. So now i'm connected to the modern age once again. I can't say i missed much in 3 weeks.
Being disconnected from the life blood that is the internet was kind of nice. no TV, no internet, no nothing. so what did i do with all my new found free time??? smoke pot and play Civ. thats it. my new place isn't any more or less picked up than when i moved in and i haven't done anything extravagant or time consuming. 3 weeks, a bunch of games of civ and a few wins to show for it. totally worth it.
i promise, more posting. i won't let this site die. and neither should you. i know most of you are lurking out there, afraid to post. Well, i'm inviting you to post, please, tell us something, anything. there are people waiting to read it. And no matter what you have to say, it can't be any worse then what i've just written. so feel free to take up space here, its free. use it.
Is this in your own place or your friends dad place?
its a guy i work with. he's the IT guy at work, pretty cool guy, reminds me of an older looney in a way (see i didn't use your first name). It takes me 12 minutes to go door to door from work. fucking sweet. fuck traffic man, fuck it. i feel like a fucking retarded sheep for sitting in traffic when i could be doing anything else like poking myself in the eye with a stick instead of sitting in traffic and be happy. or at least have ag ood story to tell.