# posted by Brancibeer @ 12/17/2007 10:25:00 PM
We've all been slacking on the WM. Funny, i still check the damn thing mulitple times a day. Its been almost 3 weeks since the last post and yet i still check it. Sure i've been meaning to write too, but i've been busy. Busy with the job, the house, the kids, the girlfriend, the video games, the booze, the drugs, the sweet sweet drugs. And yeah, I dont really have the writing drive like i used to anymore. I dont have the slick benders which drove me writing absurdities of my college days. Maybe its because our lives are more boring these days. We all have jobs, we get up, we come back and do it all over again. But still thats no excuse. We cant let the patterns kill our livelihood that made us so great Thats happened to too many people. Let it not happen to you.
fuck yeah, rock on brother man