# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 7/28/2007 12:23:00 PM
my god, this thing is incredible. better than i expected. first thing first. the people. this con isn't about comics and stuff as much as it is moveing people around. the SD convention center has done a good job but simply moving ten feet can be a chore at times. the convention center is enormuse and there is so much to see you actually can't do it all in one day. or two. i'm headed back for day three soon. its been incredible and i'll have pictures when i get back. one of the best things so far is how approachable everyone is. and i mean everyone, no matter how pop;ular, famous or crazy. i've met a dozen or so people i never imagined and actually got within a few feet of Stan "the man" Lee himself. my monkey knife fights shirt was a hit with the Penny Arcade guys who mistook it for monkey ninjas. i met this cool guy, james sime, who used to write an onlione collum about selling comics and stuff. i was just walking past him out side the CC and stopped him to say hi and ask why he wasn't writing the collum any more. he was real cool. i spent a few minutes talking to this awesome painter Greg horn, and it was great. its so easy to meet people here its unbelieveable. i'm glad i can't smoke out here cause i don't think i could handle this thing high. its just too much and moving around takes a focused effort. stopping at a booth, in an aisle, or anywhere is dangerous. and watch out for flying props, the costumes are great. i'll have more when i get back but this is something you should all experience at least once. even if you hate comics, there is more then enough other stuff for everyone here. movies companies rule this place now so it is very accesable to everyone. i love it.