# posted by wyldshaman @ 5/20/2007 09:37:00 AM
Ive wanted to post this for some time, but was very busy with college and work related classes. Ill soon be dealing Roulette, its a fun game to deal but not great for the players.
Anyway, this map is part of the 3 part global warming study that the UN commissioned. (I think?) This in the 2nd part released a month or two ago and shows how the world will change in the future.
The red zones are areas that will most likely be underwater in the near future, say by the end of the century. Its not clear here, but Boston and Providence are both in the red zone. Here is
The Link to this and other maps, downloadable for greater clarity.
Notice that CT is still green, with the possible exception of a few low lying historic seaport areas, such New London and Old Saybrook. Our natural hilly topography basically saves us, as well as(i think) our still intact watersheds, thou im sure flooding will be more common.
Independent Journalism in Baghdad:This is an interesting site i just stumbled onto, Alive in Baghdad. Listen to an interview with an Iraq insurgent or a man's harrowing experience getting his pregnant wife to the hospital. So as McCain and others talk of the "Liberal Bias' of Corporate Media," why not take in some unembedded independent journalism for yourself. (It consistently worked with the Flash player for me)
Native Energy:
Been thinking about going Carbon Neutral? Well here is a good start for you, Native Energy. I like this site, number one because its on the up-and-up and a decent website, but also because its run-by and supports Native Americans, whom if they cant cash in on the casino crazy are basically the poorest people around.
Ive been thinking about going neutral, its only a few buck a month. It would be cool if we all went in on something like this together. Find out your carbon footprint, im a planet killer producing 31301 lbs. of carbon dioxide a year, mostly due to my international travels.
"Where ignorance is our master, there is no possibility of real peace."
-His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama
Peace be with you.
Well as long as CT does ok, what do we have to worry about? I already have my contingency plan to buy and sell down here in FL then move back up before the tide hits.
Looks like a lot of CT will be wetlands? (green but inside that line) Another score for VT as our Lake Champlain waterfront isn't going anywhere (97 ft above sea level) turns out being the only New England state without a coast isn't such a bad thing.
When going carbon neutral, which should only be done after you've minimized energy use, be careful the carbon reductions you buy are verified by a third party, and renewable energy investment should be preferred to planting forests, as the CO2 reduction of the latter is debatable.
My word verification is liskovho, not too far from Lisk Idaho eh?
Is that where Lisk is? Whats he doing?