# posted by ron @ 5/26/2007 12:19:00 AM
Rest assured that the rocks will win no matter how much we pollute. Burn it all up.
Ron is smoking the rock again, so he thinks he is a winner, he also wants us to feel sorry for him.
Thats street talk, i think?
feel very very sorry for my poor soul.
Actually its tied to a rant from someone about gas prices and global warming. The guy drives a lot and complained about prices and warming. I'm like "well you're part of the problem buddy". He asked me why I didn't feel bad about polluting or gas prices. I said, well I feel slightly bad about polluting but not bad enough to stop driving and I can still afford to drive whenever I want. In my defense the #1 condo on my list is 1.6 miles from work. I'll not be driving 350 miles a week getting to and from work.