# posted by Brancibeer @ 5/24/2007 08:52:00 PM
I've said it once and I'll say it again. Checks should be banned from supermarkets. In fact, they should be banned at any retail marketplace of any kind. Paying with a check is like working off of an Apple IIe. Its outdated, slow, mind numbing, and out of fashion. I was in the express lane this evening with two middle aged women in front of me. The express lane. The store was busy because it was right after work. Both women payed by writing checks. I had to wait there while they had to write it all out, look at the date, sign it, record their balance. Then it goes to the clerk. He has to write something on it too, then put it through the machine. Of course the machine malfunctions 3 out of 5 times and the process has to be repeated. Lines that were 8 people deep next to me got out of there before I did. Of course i gave my usual rant to the clerk after the whole ordeal. I dont think he had enough ambition to care. Conclusion: Checks should be outlawed except by mail!
In other news there's a bunch of fires going on in the SE. Tally gets lots of residue smoke from them. I kinda liked it at first. There was a slight smokeyness in the air that reminded me of camping. Then after a while my head started to hurt, my eyes itched, breath became short. The smoke is losing its appeal. Yup. Like we need yet another reason to stay inside with the air conditioning in FL.
people who buy groceries with checks should be shot
I get a little pissy because i have to make out my rent payment with a check, when will this apartment manager join the 21st Century and start taking my Visa, im lossing alot of miles with this scheme of hers.