# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 4/05/2007 05:53:00 PM
apparently i haven't told many people yet but i got a job. I'm working in suffield at a place called Teleflex Fluid Systems. they make teflon and braided hose for fuel lines in cars and like a million other applications. its a big place and its the job i interviewed for with ryan leahy. hes my direct boss now. its kind of cool but he's really like super professional now so its a little like talking to a robot at times. My title is Manufacturing Engineer, but i have no clue what i'll be doing yet. I started on Monday and i haven't done shit yet. the first day was mostly paperwork and meeting people. second day was more meeting people and just wondering around. yesterday, my goal for the day was to spend the whole day in the shop and just do something. i guess to learn the process and stuff. i spent 8 hours wondering around the shop and talking ot people. i was bored stiff after 4 hours. i learned the process pretty well, its not hard. today i actually spent more time in the shop and tried to focus on a few little things but i again didn't do shit. it'll pick up as i figure stuff out but who knows. i haven't done enough yet to say wether this is going ot be a good job or a fun job or if its just going to suck. i have no clue. its in suffield, north of hartford, so traffic sucks, but not in the morning, it only takes 30mins in the morning but 45-50 in the afternoon. i'll probably move closer since i am only month to month now but i havne't gotten that far yet. i'm going to try t o get a new car first since the commute is going to shred my little piece of shit breeze.
anyone got a suggestion?
A bicycle, and in distant second, a diesel. For awhile recently diesel went down while gas went up and now in New England the average distance is only $0.08, which would more than be made up by it's higher energy content and more efficient engines. Plus you can switch over to biodiesel when dynodiesel gets too expensive. A Golf TDI perhaps, it'd be my choice.
Move to the Vernon area. You, me and Big Mike can form a bowling team. And think of the LAN parties we could have. That would be sweet. I need a drinking/smoking buddy. Big Mike is great, don't get me wrong. But if I have to listen to one more story about college, I might hang myself. It would be much better (and more fun) to have another head around. Don't poo poo this idea right away. If you move up here, maybe more will come. We can start running in local elections, buying up local businesses. We would be like our own little mafia.
get a giant SUV that runs on the blood of baby deer and endangered water fowl. first, you'll own the road. people wont fuck with you. second, show the environment who's boss. i'm sick of hearing all this shit about global warming only to have it snow here yesterday and be freezing all week. it's april. winter's gone. the environment just needs to get over it.
The Nissan Altima is nice, and i looked at an 07 stick shift the other day for $18K, but its a new design and Nissan has had some dependablity issues lately.
I think the new Camry is hot and how can you go wrong with a Toyota?
I love my Mazda and they have only improved it with the Mazda3, its a fun slick stick, but not safe.
And Hyundai now makes great vehicles!
Don't waste your time with anything other than a Toyota or Honda (Suburu, Nissan ok). I love my camry. Or how about a brand new 07 Breeze?? Lifes a breeze in the plymouth breeze....
Ah yes car shopping. Its the best way to get dicked without ever coming close to one. Sons of a bitches...
Hey... can someone invite me or whatever so i can post?
I think Honda's are overpriced and not that nice looking.
Suburu's get crappy gas mileage due to their all-wheel driveness.
Basically decide what class you want, then check out some of the brands we just metioned, even the Ford Fusion is worth a look, if your thinking mid-sized sedans.
you dont have to get dicked over, just know how to negotiate with them. i got mine for $3000 less than the kelley blue book value. use the breeze as a trade-in (it's really just a matter of semantics at many places), and start low. leverage yourself with other cars you've looked at with other dealers. but you know the drill.
i personally dont have the whole love for toyota as most do, seeing as my corolla died at 99k mi and only 7 years old. sure, it might be 1 car, but hey, it's my experience. i dont like hondas either. but that is my personal preference. as you know, the rest of my family is a honda family, and my dad swears by them. my mom now drives a subaru forrester, and seems to like that a lot too. i think ron got a legacy, so i'd ask him about that too. i love the escape, but it's probably not what you're looking for (and mazda makes an identical sister car called the tribute). although you might be able to afford a hybrid, which you might like. anyway, i'm done rambling here. good luck with the search buddy.
While it's hard to ignore your own experience, is what happened with your one car more indicative of the brand than statistics on all of their cars? Honda and Toyota abuse everyone in reliability. Subaru is close, and domestic cars suck. That was the trend a couple of years ago, but still Matt you could sell the car and get a bike and have quite a bit of cash left over for beer and other recreation. Not to mention the major monthly savings on gas, insurance, and maintenance, as well as the health benefits. I saw a study that said if all Americans traded their cars for bikes it would hurt the environment because people would live so much longer it would more than counteract the energy savings.
i understand, and even stated, that it was just my sole experience. but i also think he might want to rethink the bike idea, what with those new england winters, which now apparently extend into april.
matt, if you want to go green just get a hybrid or something.
wow, all great responses. spunkmeyer, fuck you man. you've been working basically across the road for years now and haven't even bothered to stop in after work, even while i was smoking and drinking all day. a bowling team might be doable though.
damon, i'm not going ot move close enough to ride a bike, its like one mile from the airport, i don't want to live anywhere near the airport. i my be one of the few people who moves to a city only to work outside of it. hartford could be kind of cool.
no SUV's, i'm basically looking at a small to midsized sedan. civics and accords are great, wouldn't mind a civic but i just don't like the last two model years very much. accords are kind of over priced when compared to other cars in its class but they are better built. my parents bought an 06 camry and its is very nice, my dad is actually driving an 07 camry for work now and its really the same thing. i actually test drove a chevy malibu the other day because its a little cheaper, has a good warenty (5 years 100,000mi) and its got a v6 with ABS. not a bad little car and it gets good milage for a V6. i looked at altimas last year and i thought they were kind of expensive. hyundai actually has a great warrenty and makes some ok cars fo rhte prices, they are trying to build back a reputation so they are making nice stuff a little cheaper. i loooked at a fusion, not bad, its basicaly the 500 but smaller and i was told they are going ot be calling the 500 a taurus next year. buts thats really the type of car i'm looking at, i've dashed my 330i dreams and moved into the land of reality.
i'd like a hybrid but they are a little expensive right now for the good ones. all those SUV hybrids are stupid, its really just the regenerative braking and like simple stuff they should have done years ago. not a true hybrid.
anyway, thats my story.