# posted by murphy @ 12/06/2006 12:24:00 PM
Friday night im trying to get something together. Id like to meet some folks for a drink, ive talked to ron, kolpak, jaymills, and bergan. Barone you never called me back you unemployed bastard. stop playing world of warcraft or you'll end up like cartman.
anyways, if any of you have a good place that is close to everyone i am all ears. If not id just assume meet somewhere in middletown. Maybe we can all go up to hartford, and get a couple of hotel rooms and wander the streets from bar to bar. Im up for anything and open to suggestions.
Its good to be home.
i dont know why it double posted the title.
As of today I'm an unemployed bum too! So let's see what this WoW is all about! Anyway, I won't be around. Have fun.
if you are actually going ot play wow i want a call, i'll hook you up
I thought I felt the ground shaking. Murph, welcome back!
I was joking when I wrote that, but then I thought, actually why not? I have nothing lined up to do, so why not do something that takes up all of people's time. Then when I checked out the site, I saw about recruiting people and sides of the alliance, so I do want to talk to you before getting into it. The fee seems pretty steep though. In 10 days at the end of the trial I bet my new addiction will make the fee seem like nothing. Calling now.
My level 10 serpentine elvin prince will kick the shit out of your level 10 andromous delivian sorcerer! Nerds!!
Ha ha, i kid i kid. I keep myself away from that stuff on purpose. I know i would be sucked in. I avoid the temptation all together.
revenge of the nerds
i don't deny it. i'm a fucking dork. i spend at least a few hours every day playing a videogame. plus i read comics. and i'm an engineer. i loose before i even start.
Nor do I deny it, I had a couple hours of fun with the watt meter my roommate had brought home saying it was something only an energy dork could love. I'm not a video game regular, but can get pulled in few weeks at a time. Add in the engineering and my total lack of social skills and I too am a dork. I don't really relate to nerd, but dork all the way. Oh yeah, and I don't really drink and try to get to sleep at 10, if you want to talk about lame.
I may have you all beat hands down. I am, after all, a level 29 dungeon master. But seriously, my prized possesions include First Edition Dungeon and Dragons manuals from 1975 and 27mm minitures and corresponding terrain for the following games: Warhammer, Warhammer Fantasy, Necromunda, and Mordheim. I have rpg booklets for the following games; Teenage Ninja Turtles and Other Strangenesses, Hero's Unlimited, Rifts, Battlelords of the 23rd Century (thanks Damon!) Full Thrust (not a porno surprisingly), Mage: the Ascension, Werewolf: the Apocolypse, Vampire: the Masquerade and Fading Suns. I also contribute on a regular basis to a variety of modding forums across several titles and genres. I have a train set that expands regualarly. My living room features two TV's with a variety of gaming systems and 2 PCs networked for multiplayer Duke Nukem 3d. I reread "Lord of the Rings" trilogy once a year. I also watch StarTrek when Mo's not home. And finally the piece de resistance: I bought my wife Magic: the Gathering cards for Christmas (yeah, her nerdiness is coming along nicely, she's hooked on tabletop games.)
May the Dorkside be with you!
P.S. Kirk could kick Picard's ass. End of story.
You've all got it wrong. My balls are the biggest.
When I played Final Fantasy online I would get harrassed like:
"Pick a fight with that guy!"
"No, I can't. Just with monsters."
"There's a monster - get it!"
"No, I can't. The monster belongs to that guy over there."
"So what are you doing right now?"
"Waiting for the airship. It'll be here in 15 minutes."
"Yeah have fun with that, faggot."
Some folks would be superstitious on teaming up with me because my guy's name was Funeral. It led to many bad jokes between myself, a chick from Texas, and a guy at a U.S. army base in Japan. The army guy actually had the most free time, which is surprising - I thought the military would be on its toes to fight things like Hello Kitty and elderly age demographics.
Anyways, my balls are the biggest because I enjoy videogame music to the point where I try to remix it myself and expect people to say "cool!". In reality the best I should hope for is "tepid"
Actually that reminds me of the Irreversible Spinal Damage era - we covered the Double Dragon song at the Higganum gazebo.
ISD was awesome. ahhh the madison arts barn.
ill admit it, id played dungeons and dragons too, but i think no brain is literally the king of all dorks. hail to thee!
i remember when Matt played Diablo online. The best was when he flamewalled this dude walking into a dungeon for no reason other than to be a dick. Ah that was great. The guy walked into walls of fire and there was nothing he could do about it! I think he wrote something like, "You better watch out for my level 12 mage!". Sore loser.
While I concede No Brain is the real king, he must be away from his lands while I am temporarily in control - having played WoW for honestly about 25 hours in the past three days.