# posted by Brancibeer @ 10/06/2006 09:51:00 AM
I subscribe to a listserve that discusses herpetological conservation. Every once and a while something sets one of these nuts off and all this discussion erupts over a controversal topic. It ends up turning into a bunch of herp-nerds throwing daggers at eachother. Here's the begining of one.....
If you are interested in the intelligent design/evolution debate, below is a new thing that just came out. Again, the fundamentalists, like drug lords, are targeting children. It is surprising to me that more left wing religions have not picked up on this and got pissed off! Regardless anyone who is not a right-wing, fundamentalist (e.g. moderate and liberal faiths, agnostics, and athiests) should be concerned about these kinds of attacks on their children. If this isn't unethical, it definitely borders on it.
The simple logic in this is portrayed in the perfect way to attract children, the under/uneducated, and those who are not intelligent enough to see through the approach. I wouldn't want my children (if I had any) confused by this kind of thing. I have no problem with someone having faith in these things, however illogical they might be.. but I do have a problem with persons pushing religious agendas on other people's children. It is one thing for one to indoctrinate their own children into a religion, that is their right. It is another for someone else to push their religious beliefs on other people's children.
Assistant Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
haha that video was hilarious. unfortunately, it's highly fallacious. it basically argues for intelligent design because science is complex and hard to understand. i forget which fallacy it is, i used to know the names of all of them...but this is definitely one of them. funny video though.
and also: left wing religions, liberal faiths...huh?
that reminds me of http://objectiveministries.org/kidz
-my personal favorite-
Isn't "objective Christian perspective" an oxymoron?
Brainwash! All of it! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!
I liked the video, except watches are not living, so, how can you compare something that is living and growing to something that is... a machine?
But, it does make me wonder if given infinite time/space and possiblities, could a watch actually form by itself.
Its funny, that video actually makes me think the underwater watch is possible, rather then "THE WATCHMAKER."
Oh and i must say i like this video alot more then i like looking at Ron with a gun to his head.
i agree with josh, i don't understand the world so there must be a god? what the fuck?!? i don't understand the intracacies of subatomic physics, that must prove that god designed it? if these lunatics spent half as much time learning math and science as they did trying to get people to believe in thier wacked out religions, they might actually understand the process of evolution and how things can evolve. this stuff makes me so angry i don't even know what to do. and that jesus camp stuff is fucking creepy, whats the difference between them and the hitler youth?