# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 9/08/2006 04:31:00 PM
I've got a few things to say today. first of all, FOOTBALL! its back and i'm happy to see it again. lastnights game between pitts nad mia was ok, a little slow but it was only the first game of the season. i'm psyched for sunday nights brother vs brother match up, although i think payton will have the better game its goingto be a close one. the giants secondary is a little shaky, and who the fuck made the decision to cut deloach? or let will allen go? i like bringing in new guys but madison and mcquarters aren't excatly that young anymore. the LB's and D-line should be rock solid but once again the secondary will be a little soft. eli should be progressing more this year and he's got all the weapons to work with. playoffs are an easy goal for this team, it should be superbowl or bust this year in the big apple. except the jets. they suck. they should be loosing every game ot get the draft pick from week one. I've been watching a little college football this year nad expect to pay more attention to it. i watched FSU/MIA the other night and it got me going. that linebacker for FSU is fucking sweet, he's everywhere and hits like a brick shit house. i've never really paid much attention to college football but i'm getting into it. i like the big games and big match ups, tomarrows OSU/Texas should be awesome.
next topic, i had my unemployment hearing today. took 5 minutes. i'm getting it, no questions asked. no one showed up and all they wrote on their form for why i was dismissed was "poor performence". the lady doing the hearing even said to me that most compaines elborate a little more than that. she wasn't surprised when i told her my story and said i'd be getting it. the max in CT is now 465$ a week which i'll be getting, AWESOME! who needs a job.
on the job front, i think i mentioned a GE interview on here before, well i found out i won't be getting the interview, all i got was an email from some guy i'd never talked to saying "You will not be progressing in the interview process for GE. Sorry". that was it. i called the phone number listed with it and haven't gotten a response yet. oh well, fuck em. i had an interview today with a recruiter who has 2 positions he's going to try and get me interviews for. cool. i already have 2 more interviews lined up for next week with different recruiters. these guys are crazy, all i did was post my resume online at monster and they've all been grabbing at it. i haven't really done any work myself besides that and i'm getting interviews. what kind of crazy world do we live in.
i went home for a few days this week to see my parents and grandparents. my grandmother isn't doing so hot so she kind of wanted to see me. she's old and this isn't hte type of thing she can get better from, she knows it and so do the rest of us. its really ony a matter of time. i've tried to be loving and supportive but she doesn't want that, she loves talking to me because i'm one of hte opnly people who will talk to her like a normal person about all this. everyone treats her like a little kid or a sick puppy, well thats the last thing she wants. i talked to her all about the will and living will and funeral arrangments and stupid shit like joking about what type of music she wants at the funneral (lawrence welch, BLECH!). she knows she's dying, she was a fucking nurse for 50 years, she knows better than anyone whats up. i think thats the best thing i can do for her, just treat her normally. i jokingly made a deal with her that i'd pull the plug if no one else would. she's in pain all the time and she doens't want to be kept alive as a vegtable, i don't blame her. i guess all the arrangments have been taken care of so there isn't much else to do but keep getting her shots and taking her pills. she gets these protien shots once every two weeks that cost 2000$ a wack, damn! she's lucky she's got insurence because this would be costing a fortune. she's got pills that cost 100$ each that she needs to take every 3 days. and we wonder why drug comapines are making so much money.
anyway, VT was cool. i played a round of golf with my sister and her friend on wednesday at the
country club they both work at. it was real nice. its a very fancy place and all she did was yell at me for acting stupid. damn sisters. and my mom made me get a hair cut too. the funny part was the guy i interviewed with today told me i should cut my hair. HA! on the way home i stopped in NH to buy booze, but those fuckers wouldn't take my shitty VT liscense, or believe it was real, fucking VT, 10 years behind everyone else, i swear.
oh, the interview i went on today was in hartford and waling into the building there was a camera crew out front filming some guy leaning against a car. i asked one of the guys standing there if it was ok if i walked into the building and he said yeah sure i didn't mind being in the movie. sure, no problem. i later found out it was
michael madsen filming his next movie, either titled "the michael madsen story" or "view point". i didn't recognise him in person.
as for baseball, well tha yanks are on cruise control thanks to that sweep of the red sox. the AL central is the real story because the tigers are loosing and the twins are winning. sweet. i'd give a shit about the NL if it wasn't a bunch of sub 500 teams fighting for the wild card. what a joke. the entire NL should be ashamed. i don't care if it's close, they all suck. ryan howard for MVP.
maybe it's reservoir dogs 2
if you don't stop talking like a bitch, i'm gonna slap you like a bitch.
Damn engineer. The only thing headhunters can do for a political science grad is give me shouts like "Fritos needs truck drivers!" or "Make up to $4000 a week from your home!"