The Workermonkey


Tuesday, August 29, 2006

you know what? fuck you (i think i've used this one before) 

no one gets ripped and writes shit anymore. so i'm taking it upon myself to drink WAY too much and write something. anythingt. i don't care. plus i'm buck naked. it's fucking sweet. ok so the state of the state. well... i've started looking for jobs. i'm convincened that i need to organize my life better. so today i made an excell spreadsheet with all the shit i need too do each day starting when i get up. i'm going to try to keep to it. i think there is a 95% chance i'll irgor it by day two. its not impossible to work out every two days, i've got no job, whats stopping me? i9 made a list of shit i have to do. i've never really made lists because i never follow them but it seems like a good idea to keep thoughts straight and keep yourself on some sort of schedual. plus its a way of keeping track of stuff, a written record of what you did or didn't do. written evidence. wow it's cold with nothing on. fuck this weather, it's like summer just took a vacation. before we know it fall will be dropping leaves on us. days fly by when you wake up at noon. i feel like i should be improving myself between jobs, not just fucking around for 10 months again like last ime. i'm not planning any crazy vacations or expecting to collect unemployment, but on the other hand i'd really like ot get it for a week otr two and i'm not exactly busting my ass to get a new job. its not like i need one right away but i feel kind of useless just sitting around not doing shit. what kills me is that i still wake up thinking about the last job and what went wrong and what i was so pissed off about. while looking for jobs today i kept thinking about what type of company i could possibly get into where this shit wouldn't happen. it doens't exist. people suck everywhere. you can't avoid it. at some level i hate you all. i'm incerdibly grateful to have as many good friends as i do but at the same time i hate people. all people. i'm terrible at dropping things. all things, i hate having to be more responsible or more humble than the other person i have a probl;em with in order to settle something. its one thing to have a person appoligise for something in which they wronged you. its another to have to be the bigger person and take that first step if your the one who was wronged. sometimes i'd rather just suck up my pride and appoligise for somethign i didn't do just to get through the problem because i'm kind of in a rush to get past it. but that doesn't help. if i was wronged, why the fuck am i trying to apoligize? isn't that the responsiblity of the person who wronged me? if that person happens to be my boss or someone i'm reporting too, how do you tell them you're pissed and you want to get by it with out being sarcastic or rude? what if they never step up and take responsiblity? maybe i'm just a jerk but i hate being told i'm not doing something i am or that i'm lying when i'm not. what kind of answer are they looking for? GIBAD GIBAD WHOOO!! Whiskey! i finished all the shit i thought i had to do today by 4 and started drinking becasue i was bored. i remember a stipud litttle pahmplet from way back in the day where they listed reasons as to why people did drugs or drank. one of them was boredome. does that make me some sort of crazy drunk/junkie? i've been trying to anylize why /how people become famous and well known, maybe there is somethign to it. maybe i'm just not trying hard enough. no. i'm not crazy enough to be famous. those people have some kind of unnatural dedication to what ever it is they want. i don't like baseball enough to eat/drink/breath drills and plays. i'm not obsessed enough with money to dedicate hours a day to looking at the stock market or the finacial news. i picked engineering because i wanted something that would let me do anything. i wasn't sure what i wanted to do so i picked one that would let me do a lot of stuff. looking for jobs its kind of depressing how specialized you need to be in some of these disiplines. i don't have 5-7 years experience in anything let alone engineering. and most of those jobs i wouldn't want becasue i just don't care about the subject to dedicate that many years of my life to it. i'm a smart kid, i care adn work hard, why does that pigone hole me into one industry because that was where my first two jobs happen to be. i can do a million things besides heat exchangers. i'm awsome at manual labor, i can punch out flashing faster than anyones ever seen. ask skip. simple tasks, i'm the man. but that doesn't pay shit. and i know why. i have the experience to know why. damn it the hicups are killing me right know what thje hardest part of being fired/layed off is? telling the mrogage broker and the realestate agent that i don't have job anymore to pay for the house they want to sell me. they don't get it. that has to be the hardest part. telling everyoine you know WHY you no longer go to work everyday. peopl.e just dont 'get to understand why anyone wouldn't just shut thier mouth and thank god they have a job. i'm NEVER going to do that. keeping quiet or not sauying anything will get you in more trouble that i can explain, plus that makes me feel empty inside. NO job is that important. none. i'm not going to shut my mouth just to keep my job. if i have to do that , the job isn't worth keeping.
Baseball: i watched every pitch of the yanks/sox and now i'm burnt out on baseball. i could care less about hte angels or mariners, but the yanks fucking sucked over t hat stretch. they ended up 7-4 on the road trip after winning 5 in boston. piss poor. that kid karstens got his first win, his first start was great but the bullpen blew it on him so today was his first win. hey, detroit is starting to fall apart huh? who'd have thought? a 4.50 ERA is still a quality start. anyone clinging to the NL wild card should remember that all it takes is a 0.500 team to make it.
and girardi is manager of the year, even if he gets fired. uggla!?! no way, no way could he have been rookie of the year, no way he's even in hte running. i mean to link to a buch of my pre season predictions here but bolgger isn't woking right now (very convienient). ryan howard is the rookie of hte year. hands down, oh wait, he doesn't qualify? nuts. wow i was dead right already about hte phillies

"Philadelphia Phillies; they have some really good players here which would be a great core to a good team. Chase Utley is sweet, bobby abreau is a superstar, jimmy Rollins can hit, Ryan Howard is going to mash, pat Burrell continues to hit and mike liberthal is a solid backstop. But who the fuck lets Billy Wagner walk out of town? It must be the same lunatic who thought tom Gordon was going to be the answer. The phillies have mad some good move and some equally stupid moves. Picking up David delluici for a good young arm was bad; snagging aron rowand from the white sox was good. Getting rid of Jim thome was good, tom Gordon, bad. If they paid attention to a lousy pitching staff they might be able to mess with the Mets this year. They have some great talent to build around but they need to compliment it with good pitching and they haven’t done much to help them selves. Another year of spectacular mediocrity."

wow, i'm a genius

willy taveras either? nuts. melky should get some votes. on;y in kentucky do they wonder why a landing strip was too short. how tall can you stack the beer cans before the fans blows it over? 8, thaats how high, 8. i jate the door, so i'm going to close it. wow. blogger comment verifications are too hard when you'r loaded. i feel a 4 am star wars marathon coming on. you can do that when your unemployeed. feuled by toast!


i always appreciate when you bring back the original ways of the workermonkey. posting naked is mint, nice work.

the list could be a good thing if you can stick with it.

i'm with you on the job thing. it's pretty customary in my field to take a job that you know will suck. well i dont want to do that. i might not even take the bar, i might use my degree for something else. i'm not overly concerned with money as long as i can get by and be happy. i have great friends, a great family, and a great girlfriend, and i'd like to see them. fuck 80 hrs/wk. take that job and shove it. cut my pay and give me time with the people i love, that's what it's about.

i'm also sort of with you on the whole people issue (but i think you knew that). i cant stand most people (the above-mentioned are exempt of course). but people really suck. they're stupid, inconsiderate, and unreliable. if you want something done right you have to do it yourself. if you NEED something done right, you sure as hell better do it yourself. of course people are inherently flawed, but i think most are more flawed than they need to be.

i'm not even going to talk baseball cuz i'm pissed about it these days, but i will say that tiger woods is fucking amazing. i'd love to see him just apply himself as best he can to see how many tournaments he can win in a row. he's at 6, and the record is 11. people like this only come around once in a long while.

oh, and kentucky is fucking retarded. but we probably already knew that anyway.

By Blogger josh, at Tuesday, August 29, 2006 12:12:00 PM  

You'll shut your mouth and keep your job when you get a morgage payment (or any big monthly bill). Until then I expect you'll be fired at least 2 more times. Next time just try to put in your 2 wks before they walk you out.

josh, matt... money is nearly everything. you need it to live, save lots of it and your life will be easier. That doesn't mean you need a 80 hr/ a week job (or 100k a year), just live within your bounds, spend wisely and don't fuck your credit.

Looks like I'm next on deck for a house after matt here struck out. I've run all the numbers and I can swing a 190k morgage if i wanted too. low 200's won't get much of a house these days besides in New Britain and Bristol so it appears that a condo is the best option. Stuff has been staying on the market longer and with the prices falling a bit, rates rising its an interesting time to buy to say the least.

By Blogger ron, at Wednesday, August 30, 2006 12:33:00 AM  

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