The Workermonkey


Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Weekly bump 

someone somewhere has to post at least once a week. I'll bite this bullet. its been a crazy week. tuesday and wednesday i got in multiple fights around the office. wednesday i spent 2 hours in a "meeting", which i can only assume is the closest thing to a review i'm going to get, getting yelled at because other people aren't doing thier work and i make up for it. mind boggling. they ask me where i'm having problems, i tell them and they get pissed because it involves them. fuck em. thursday i was still really pissed but by friday morning i was actually ready to jsut put this shit behind me and forget about the whole thing. then i checked my email. the following is a letter written by my boss, and sent to my inspectors boss. it was supposed to apploigise for what we know to be some of our problems and ask them to bear with us a little. instead i get this:

Dear XXXXX: I am writing to you to inform you that Matt Barone has been relieved of his Quality Control managerial duties effective immediately. Michael Routh, Jr. has been named interim Quality Control Manager until a replacement can be found or the proper level of training and a demonstrated ability to perform the function of the quality control manager has been met. Matt will still be involved in the engineering process, however, he will have no authority to manage or sign off on any quality control related document other than for engineering purposes. Furthermore he will have no authority to schedule or meet with AI’s, Supervisors, and the like from your organization or any other inspection agency. Thank you for your prompt attention to this important matter before you. We feel that this decision will strengthen our quality control system and the relationship with your organization.

bullshit. fucking bullshit. and this bitch didn't even come in on friday for me to rip her a new one. this was emailed to me after i had left on thursday. she did come in for 5 minutes on friday and talked to the other guy in the room with me, but stood far enough away from the door that i couldn't see her. something she never does but did that day to avoid me.

i basically freaked out friday night, i left work around 3 with no intention of looking back. i'm sick of this shit. saturday i had calmed down a little and went out saturday night. kind of a busy night and at the end, something really freaky happened. I think i've told a few of you what happened at Jay's place but i'd rather not go into it here. it basically scared the shit out of me and was something i really didn't need adding more stress.

monday i actually showed up to work. i showed our sweet old secretary the letter i had been given and asked her again what happened that the guy before me left. this time she was fed up too because they've been bugging her. she's fucking 70 and just wants to putter around here to keep her self sane and they still pile shit on her. well, she gave me a much better run down about why mike SR. left and it totally falls in line with what is happening to me. i grabbed one of the owners and said i needed to talk to him. i tried to explain the whole situation and i showed him a copy of the letter. he basically ignored me and started talking about something else. again, mind boggling.

the rest of this week has gone similarly as well. i'm just fucking fed up. i've tried to be the good employee, i've done everything thats asked of me and then some. and still its not enough. they want to know why material isn't ordered yet? well the guy who does that hasn't done it. so i tell them such. thier answer is why aren't i doing it. somehow other people not doing what they are supposed to is my fault. i'm to blame. there is something really wrong with this type of thinking. the passage of blame and everyone trying to pass the buck is complete bullshit. because i'm will to take responsibility, some how that means i'm responsible for everything.

this week i'll be updating my resume. next week, i'll be putting in my 2 week notice and applying for jobs. i feel bad that i'll be leaving my guy Tom here but he's seen all this shit too and this job is still better for him than the other place. plus, he's a big boy, he'll get over it. fuck em, they've had more than enough chances with me. this isn't how i wanted this to turn out, but i've really been left with no other option. its sad that the one person who shows up everyday and can be counted on is the one person they are trying to drive out.


nice man, fuck 'em. i know they've been giving you lots of shit lately. they'll be fucked without you.

where else you lookin for jobs?

By Blogger josh, at Wednesday, August 16, 2006 5:40:00 PM  

You posted just because no one else had? Come on, this conflict in your job is 1/2 the content of the site. Anyway, that is seriously lame that you got copied in on an email of your demotion. On the other hand, signing off on stuff isn't fun. And the fact that they didn't talk to you about it, even on Friday, is really freakin weak on their part.

When they harrass you about ordering material and stuff like that, it sounds like your a project manager or engineer. If you are and they pay you like one, great, but if not, that's bullshit and they're taking advantage, but I guess it's a moot point now anyway.

Are you going to stay in hx's?

By Blogger Damon, at Thursday, August 17, 2006 2:27:00 AM  

thanks josh, i don't really know yet, Alstom is hireing like a dozen people like me and ron said they had offered him a ob a while back too.

damon, i know, i bitch a lot and it does seem to be half the content here. i guess work consumes a large part of my life and its really all i can talk about. i need more hobbies or at least time to do them. i guess i am a project manager, but i'm totally unqualified and have been trust into it because of the incompitence of other people. i can't say i really do any engineering anymore (unless its 2D autocad drawings). i'm not sure if i could stay in HX's around CT but i'm sure i could find a decent job working with the different stuff i know about manufacturing, pipe, plate,machining, and other stuff. kind of hte same but not really. i think it might be time to hang up this mom and pop stuff and step up the big companies.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Thursday, August 17, 2006 2:49:00 PM  

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