# posted by Brancibeer @ 8/20/2006 01:06:00 PM
Or something like that. Lets start our own business. I was once told by a psychic i went to see (another story) that i would never be happy working for someone else. This seems to be the case for Matt also.
Ideas? Real practical ones that is.
Matt- engineering, heat xrs, ambition, high substance tolerance
Brian- biology, environment, people skills, grants, womanizing, writing
Ron- engineering, jimi-rigging, bikes
Damon- engineering, environment, renewable energy, finance
Looney- business, lack of ambition, grunt man, paperwork monkey
Josh- law, presentability, writing, sarcasm
Jesse- ability to calm people, big picture skills
Murp- unrealiabity, people skills, spontenaity, muscle
I'm not sure how a biological heat exchanger would work, but I'm fairly sure current ones are not environmentally unfriendly.
The new biological ones that we are going to invent will not be environmentally friendly. That is until we invent one that is.
That didn't make a lick of sense. Now give me my adjectives you grant-writing womanizer.
You got it buddy.