# posted by wyldshaman @ 7/13/2006 10:37:00 AM
Two recent setbacks for the peaceful leftist revolution south of the Border.
1. The Center candidate won the Peruvian election, this... was unfortunate but, I kinda saw it coming as the Lefty was a high-ranking Officer in the Army and the other candidate played this up as a military takeover. After years of CIA back coups in South American many are very tired of military leadership.
2. The Mexican Election, in my opinion, was never really an election, it was predetermined that the Right would win, but narrowly to make it look feasible. Why do I say that, well besides the "irregularities" bullshit you hear all the time, besides the exit polls showing a clear Left advantage, besides the popularity of the ex-Mexico City Mayor within Mexico city itself,(18 million residents of 104 million population of Mexico, important because normally rural areas vote left, while urban areas vote right due to business ties, yes it’s the opposite of the USA.) The real telling fact for me was, what Bush and company said, or I should say, didn’t say.
Let me explain. When it was clear that Bolivia would be taken over by a leftist candidate prior to the election, rhetoric started to be heard from Rice and others in the administration, you know the normal "nationalization is bad, don’t do nationalization." And there is no way this administration would let Mexico’s 1.6 Million barrels(2nd only to Canada) a day of petro be pumped for the people. But as the election in Mexico neared and the Left looked very strong... not a word was spoken by the administration about the elections, why? Afterwards a simple, congrats to the new conservative president and then business as usual, anyway... it just stinks of fraud. To bad too.
Hey... one thing the ex-mayoro was campaigning on was keeping Mexicans in Mexico, as in stopping the flow of cheap labor north... im sure that was just another thing that old-bush INC. could not stand.
Anyway, free elections(if they ever existed) are over with, I think.
The views reflected in this blog are not necessarily that of the worker monkey.
I can't speak about Mexico or Peru, but in case of Bolivia for us in Brasil, the Election of Evo Morales was a disaster, more 15 percent of Bolivian PIB was gerator in this operations of Petrobrás (Mix National Company of Petroleum of Brasil), so now Evo after have invaded a Petrobrás in Bolivia, want a new price to gás and want that the Brasil give a loan to him (god pay, sure), is not amazing?
I agree with Evo when he defends the soberan posicion of Bolivia in the internal issue but i think that he overdo in this case, in Brasil the people say : "He plays to auditorium".
Congratulations from Brazilian's worker monkey, sorry i spank the English the all ways.
no problem buddy, good to have you aboard. its always nice to have a little international flavor around here.
welcome to the madness! although I must say its tamed over the years
Yes, I think the election of Populist candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador in Mexico would have been a disaster for the USA as well, the Price of Mexican Oil might have gone up, supplies would go down and the flow of cheap labor to America would have been slowed. Oh... but it might have been good for the Mexicanos, just as, in my opinion, Morales is doing the right thing for his people in Bolivia.
I agree with you about the right action of Evo for the Bolivian People but I think there is some possibility that Bolivia will be isoleted cos the position, nowadays the only country support openly this Bolivian actions is Venezuela (by Hugo Chavez), Brasil support but not directly, I am afraid of the future of Bolivian and the South America in General cos a radical left posicion like the Bolivian position, the future will say.
Guys, thanks for rare opportunity to a democratic conversation.
To Marcos
Always nice to get a fresh perspective. After all, most of the people who post here have known each other for too long.
By the way, what's "Gotas de Fel" in english?
Also, is Portugese your first languarge? Can you speak/read any other languages?
Please don't be offended, I am jsut curious.
No brain Required:
Literal Translation of "Gotas de Fel" is "Drip (blob) of Bile (gall)", in my blog I post a small tales about life, opinions about politician in Brasil, impressions about others issues.
Portuguese is my first language, I am Brasilian and I (try,try) write, read and speak in English but I haven´t many opportunies to practice it, I am not offended, absoluty not, I like very much the form how you share this blog and the posts are very interesting.
In the top I stoped in blog cos the picture of Monkey, I was in doubt: am I a clone of him or is He a clone of me? (always worried).