# posted by DJ Booze Piñata @ 6/05/2006 02:52:00 PM
Hello all
! I'm back - my body's not totally shot but it'll take a few days to recoup some mental acuity.
So 9 days of good people and good times. I went to San Diego back last Saturday with the lovely Corinne - old college buddy most of y'all prolly met by this point. I didn't intend to be in the doghouse with Kristen over this so I made sure to pick her up some expensive shit for her birthday June 11. Crisis averted.
We stayed out there with Sean Flores and Joe Leonard, who just moved into a new place this month. Dual-futon action ruled the week. I woke pretty early each day however because of the bus stop ten feet away from where I slept. There was actually a 25,000-person marathon Sunday morning around 7am which passed by. Yeah I slept real great! I wish I could wake up to the sound of airhorns just outside my window every day of the week.
Everything (booze) was within walking distance. It was almost too good. So we rented a drop-top Sebring and travelled.
This is outside the Officer's Club at a Marine Corps base. They had a driving range there and the booth guard hooked us up with some entry-action because I had some all-American birthday charisma. The whole military presence there is just ridiculously different. Camp Pendleton is just outside San Diego so the Air Force was always visible practicing maneuvers, just in case Mexico decided to take back their land or something. Every day we'd see really low-flying helicopter squads or harrier jets just screaming over Sunset Cliffs. It was incredible. For posterity here's a shot of Corinne actually doing something physical.
Later that night I did Will Smith's "Miami" at a karoke bar. Then street-rode a shopping cart. Most of our pics are on Corinne's camera so once I get them I'll post some more. Of course most landscape shots just don't come across as impressively on camera as they do in real life, but I know we got some great ones.
We also went up around LA for a couple days, near Rodondo. Venice Beach = awesome. I kind of wanted to see Compton. Compton and Long Beach together, man - you know that spells trouble.
This dude Mikey (lived near Sean and I at Cedar Ridge) moved out to San Diego last year and was throwing an absolutely huge house party on our first night there. I didn't even know this guy was out there. Hundreds of people, a pool, fantastic reggae bands (they did a fucking
Steel Pulse cover
!), and of course a black cadallac parked at the front door. Yes folks, it actually can be like you see on TV.On the last day we took a tour of wine county and got predictably soused. Corinne's mom's friend (or something) came with and was part of the Wine Taster's Club so we got a private tour from a really funny Austrian, got to drink straight from the storage tanks, etc. Anyways, it's good to be back. Now I'm 25.
2 guys in a drop top? sounds... eh ..fun, yea. Pick up any hot guys at the beach? ha ha ha ha hah
looks like you had good time, rock on!
that's a great sign behind the car
Yeah Ron I picked up a bunch of guys. My traveling partner was a GIRL you idiot. Oh, and I met the girl(s) you were talking about Murph - the Wolf made it with the hippie one, eh? ATTA BOY.
Just as I though a gay roadtrip