# posted by DJ Booze PiƱata @ 5/07/2006 09:26:00 PM

Oh you better believe it.
So this year is a short legislative session because it's an even year, where most bills pertain to financial matters unless they are approved by a joint standing committee. The legislative session ended Wednesday, May 3 when midnight struck towards Thursday. The positive tension was building up by 9-10pm, when network news crews began doing their reports. Backlight umbrellas full of light would spill out into the House Chamber, which saw new people each minute. Interns and sessional employees came in to see not only the last few minutes of law, but the first few hours of
This is me with Speaker of the House Jim Amann. Anyone who works for the House of Representatives works for this guy, really. He's a good guy, and I had the privilage of smoking my cigar whilst sitting in the speaker's chair. The whole Capitol Building was filled with smoke. The smoke of celebration. Each caucus would open up their rooms so folks could party, and the one I work for is the biggest and best because we're Democrats, goddamnit. The inside wings of the Capitol resemble the floors of a mall: hollow until the bottom. From the 5th floor there was a get-the-ring-over-the-Nathan Hale-statue game using hula-hoops. If you were on one of the middle floors you'd just see these hula-hoops dropping like:
".....the fuck?"
Of course I would be yelling out "Eli Whitney!!" if someone hit.
More to come on the things we actually
accomplished during the session, which were significant. I am now extremely happy that I will not be pulling any more virtual all-nighters, but moreover because I'm only working one job now instead of two. I was hired on as a sessional employee as the house roll-call clerk in February, but then hired on permenantly in March to replace a Legislative Assistant. Now I can finally focus on the
people. Because it's the
people that matter.
people who get state benefits.
Check please!"
Fuck yeah. I actually just looked at that pic you sent via verizon text notification.
Good work macunas, keep it up. You'll be rolling in "Abrihoffesque" dow in no time.
Nobody parties like Democrats. But i'm sure the Repubs had their fair share of blow that night.
Great! I have been following the happenings at the Capital, i think it was a very good session, glad Rell got on the healthy school nutrition side, i was telling everyone about that. Now i only have her crazy-car-tax idea to bash her on, its not that strong, as most people just see it as less taxes, but most of them dont pay anyway, we already get up to $350 back.
Amann seems all about the Rail and mass-transit so i like him. Lets get the New London-to-Springfield Line going, i want a stop in Norwich, Utopia maybe.
There arent many Republicans in the assembly(because CT is cool) so i bet they didnt party as hard... right?
republicans do it behind closed doors
macunas...its just crazy enough to work. nice clothes, the grandmas'll love em. Straight to the top with this kid. nice fucking work