# posted by murphy @ 5/25/2006 09:19:00 PM
yes of course. Lets see, minor uproar over branciteam and his 'lady'friend. Seems to be all in good fun. Hope sadie doesnt get jealous over the mountain girls i have lined up for the Hungerforce Himself. Matt i dont think its a good idea to endorse bin laden. But who knows print up some flyers and see what happens. Ron you look great in the Fenton river, Ill never forget Stone Mill. Damon Ill kill whoever you want if you get me on that helicopter...seriously though your livin the dream man and i comend you for it...whos the girl in the pix? Hope all is well with everyone else, drink a couple for me at the Park.
Whats new in Mt, since last you knew...
I stopped working at the bar and I am unemployed for the moment, that is until we start getting business at the raft company. I have been running lots of rivers though. did the Yellowstone a bunch last week. The current flows are around 18 thousand cubic feet/second which is as high as i have seen. Huge, almost flipped, one of the guides swam, we rescued him with a throw bag(bag of rope that you throw if man in water is in danger). Me and another guide ran the Gallatin river in a small raft, water was at 4500 cfs which is huge as well, no commercial trips run at that level. No carnage to speak of thank god.
Back to the yellowstone this weekend for more whitewater, birthday extravaganza and reaquainting myself with the females from last summer and hopefully some fresh ones who dont know a thing about me...target rich environment to say the least
Counting the days till Team Briancibaron hits the mean streets of Montucky. yeeeeehaaa boys
Im down the river like a finless brown.
Ps. dont worry sadie ill take good care of your boy, hes in good hands.
Take care of yourselves
Hmmmm. If Sadie actually knew you murph i'd say she wouldnt trust you at all. I sure as hell don't.
haha. oh, i'm not worried. maybe if i play my cards right, he'll come visit me this summer, too...
I'd trust my life w/ murphy.
maybe when I earn a full week's vacation I can come and seen what Mt is all about. Then again, I might go to Quebec.
Murphy if I told you who to kill, I'd be in more trouble than Matt must be now, since he probably got the NSA and Secret Service watching the site instead of the FBI.
The snowboarder with me is my Iraqi by ancestory, Bahrainian by birth, Canadian by citizenship friend Maral, who is in the same program as me and who unfortunately has shot down all of my attempts to further our relationship.
I apparently will be trusting my life to Murphy in the coming weeks. Those waters sound dangerous...aka...fun.
Lets just hope he has more control over a raft than he has had over his previous 5 cars. Haha. Oh wait..thats not really funny.
thanks ron, branciteam youll be fine im a professional, damon your right about matt, matt your a fucking moron for saying that shit about bin laden, sadie from what i hear your a fox-south carolina kinda far for a booty call, even for me.
keep on rockin in the free world, and for all those govt folks, matt was just kidding
uhh... yeah, i was umm, drunk, thats it drunk.
would anyone be disapointed if i deleated this blog and started a new one under an anonamous IP and name, you know, to actually throw the now multiple governemnt agents off. just wait until i get in real trouble and all this shit comes out in court, i may actually be able to plede insanity. this stuff must count as evidence. i'm so fucked.
don't worry, i'm a lawyer who's totally willing to go to court for you if need be to argue that this is bullshit totally unreliable just-for-fun evidence that can't be held against you. eh, you're fine. well, you're phones might be bugged though; maybe start using pay phones from now on. or change your name; yeah, maybe that's the better way to go.
[Reptetive complaint about Patriot Act]
Matt is right that Osama is smarter than Bush are more in touch with the people. Had we listend to him post 9/11 we'd have saved a lot of money and lives stopping terrorism by getting troops out of other countries and stopping sending money and support to Isreal. That's a lot faster and easier than invading and overthrowing every other country.
And Murphy keep it up! I need to live vicariously through you!