# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 5/16/2006 05:08:00 PM

To my surprise, this guy hit the railroad bridge, these pictures speak for themselves. I was sitting at my desk waiting to go home and i heard a trucks Jake Brake go off. i hear trucks go past us all the time and i never usually think twice about it but they never are going fast enough to have the jake brake kick in so i looked out the window. all i could see was the front half of the cab and it wasn't moving. "fuck yeah! someone hit the bridge!" rick, carol, and I all went out on the front lawn to see it. it was sweet. this guy totally fucked up the trailer. i got up on the railroad bridge with our camera and took these pictures befoer the cops showed up. We weren't the on;y gawkers either, the depot for this guy is like 1/2 mile up the road so a bunch of people from thier place litterally came running down the road to look at it. I'd have a picture of that too but the disk in the camera ran out of room, i took the pic and it said disk full "motherfucker!" reguardless this was kind of cool, but this poor guy who was driving is fucked but good.
Couple Q's: What the hell is a Jake brake? And Why was the memory card full after 4 pics?
you ever hear that WAAAaaa..da.da.da.da.da sound coming from a truck? the jake brake is kicking in and trying to slow it down with out the driver hitting the breaks. i'm not totally sure about the details on it. the camera we have uses those mini CDs and there was only enough room left for 4 pics on it.
the jake brake eleases the valves after the compression stroke witout firing the fuel mixture. think of using the engin to compress air, not ignite it then just vent it.
But the thing that makes it unique is not what provides the pressure, but that it acts only on the back wheels so that it has a straightening effect while not affecting steering isn't it?
never heard of it having a straightening effect.