# posted by Damon @ 5/24/2006 12:54:00 AM
Anyone read the
text of this tape?
Basically he argues that Zacarias Moussaoui and no one in Guantanamo had anything to do with Sept 11. This is probably true, since the more people that know about something like that, the less likely it is to work, so why would anyone not on one of the planes be told anything about it? Bin Laden further says that many of the prisoners at Guantanamo are not affiliated with al-Qaida, and some oppose its methods. This sounds reasonable. Then as he begins to conclude, I had to share a hearty laugh with him at this line:
"My mentioning of these facts isn't out of hope that Bush and his party will treat our brothers fairly in their cases, because that is something no rational person expects,"
Thats sounds like terrorist talk to me.... My freedom feels threatened by your words.
if someone asked me who i thought more highly of, Osama or bush, i'd have to say Osama,he's smarter than bush, is actually in touch with his people.. shit Bin Laden in '08 baby, I share more of the same views with him than bush.
i love bush
How about a Osama/Obama ticket in '08?
thier theme song could be a remix of that black eyed peas song hey ma'ma
"Hey bam'a, this that shit that make you move bama. get on the floor and move your booty bama. we the bast master blast'n out the bama. come on now bama"