# posted by Damon @ 4/29/2006 01:43:00 AM
This started as a comment below, but you know me, rambling on and on.
This seems to be a rather busy time everywhere. Anyone want to work in heat exchanger design and manufacture? Both Matt and the guy I was talking to about flue gas heat recovery were "swamped." The other jackass couldn't even get me a price a month after I gave him the info (presumably because there is no way it will result in a sale). Thanks again for your part Matt.
Anyway, there are some good and bad political happenings I have noticed. The world knows the DMCA was a ridiculous law written by the RIAA and MPAA, and many have called for reducing its power. Instead, Congress may go further. Goggle "net neutrality," and maybe join
MoveOn's petition. Potentially ISPs could limit access to some sites and give preferred access to others. Maybe it's a way of paid advertising, maybe it's censorship, looks like bullshit to me. This affects blogs and music downloads as well.
Dodd, Lieberman, and Simmons are all cosponsers of a bill designed to encourage alternative fuels and efficiency to reduce oil consumption by 10 million barrels a day by 2030 (which is in theory a good idea, but there will be so little left by then it will cost as much as platinum and we won't be burning it anyway.)
What do you think of a
Spanish version of the national anthem? I think it's a great idea. English is not the US' official language, people can use any language they want (or any system of units:) so this is a good way for our major minority to feel closer to the nation. I especially appreciate that concept living in another nation that does not have an official language and often provides at least two versions of documents and information.
This is an interesting weekend in Sweden. It's the King's birthday so there's a bunch of stuff going on for that and he's 60, so it's a big deal this time. Yesterday,
he received gifts from a massive line of people saying "oooh, fantastik!" all day. Sunday, there is another great
Swedish holiday based on pagan tradition. The basic idea is for every neighborhood to have a big bonfire to welcome summer and maybe do some singing, dancing, and drinking. Finally, Monday is a "red day." Red days are usually like Bank Holidays in Britain in that everything is closed, but this one is red in another way in that the far left political groups stage rallies and demonstrations. Their refusal to work on this day is what causes it to be a day off, and a friend goes so far as to suggest that I either get out of town, or maybe enjoy it and smash some windows at shops and such.
Oh yeah, and Matt I don't think you can be Awesome Inc. just yet. That would mean you have sold publicly held stock. At the moment you are probable a sole proprietorship, which has some nasty risk implications, but it's easy. Google finds several people referring to themselves as Awesome Inc, although none are actually incorporated (at least not in the US.)
i can get around it, i spelt it wrong on the order too. fucking "e".
Long live the King! Seriously...we still have kings in this world?
I've only dabbled in informing myself about this net neutrality stuff. It does seem pretty serious. The internet is growing and growing in possibility. Thats all we need are some assholes to fuck it all up for everyone.
Did anyone hear science friday with that prof from CA talking about a methanol economy? It wasn't that good, but it was funny because this guy would just drone on and on. Ira Plato would continually interupt him, get frustrated, and they would share little snaps back and forth. Most amusing.
Do we ever still have kings:
"Among the international guests of honour were King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia of Spain, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, King Albert II and Queen Paola of Belgium, King Harold and Queen Sonja of Norway, Prince Albert of Monaco, and members of the Jordanian royal family.
Denmark was represented by Princess Mary, who is of Australian origin, and the prince consort, Henrik, since Queen Margrethe II had a bad cold and her eldest son, Crown Prince Frederik, was sailing in Italy."
ok, that comment above wasn't me, but it does sound like something i'd say. i'm not serious about it. awsome inc. is very much a joke. type "awsome" into google and see how much comes up. crazy. HX's are booming man. thanks for the props. "props", "man", fuck i'm loaded.